Mother Mother

807 32 17

Short chapter because I decided to split this and the next one up in order for Saturday's upload to be insane. 👌👌

For Mrs. Mccalister and Mrs. Botsford, the days had been passing incredibly slowly as they wandered aimlessly throughout the remains of Faircity. The search for their children had left them weary and restless as they trecked halfway across the zombie infested town, their concern driving them to their very wits end. 

"We finally made it," Claire muttered, exhausted and out of breath. Both women now stood in front of their children's school, staring eagerly through the dark windows.

"It doesn’t look like anyone's there."

"I still don't want to take any chances though… If Becky and Tobey are in there, we are going to find them." 

Sally nodded, matching her friend's determination. 

Carefully the two walked up to the large front doors of the now abandoned building, making an attempt to pull one open, however it didn't budge. Something was blocking it from the inside. 

"There has to be another way inside." Mrs. Mccalister growled, annoyed that their journey was currently only resulting in more work. 

"Let's find it."

The outside of the school looked relatively the same, however through the large glass windows dotting the sides the women could see the carnage lying inside. Desks had been flipped over, papers littered the dusty floor, and several ceiling tiles had crumpled to the ground. 

Sally began to have second thoughts. If her daughter was in there then something was wrong.

"Here." Claire finally announced, jogging up to another pair of doors. One of them had been propped open with a rock, allowing easy entry into the abandoned building.

Mrs. Botsford lingered next to the window for a few moments, unable to look away. A sudden movement caught her eye. "They aren't here. We don't need to go inside."

"How do you know that?" Mrs. Mccalister fretted, her lack of sleep clawing its way into the forefront of her mind. 

"This place is abandoned and crawling with… monsters…" She looked in through the window, watching as the subtle movement turned out to be one of Eradica’s victims shuffling through the halls.

Claire planted her face into her hands, sinking against the brick walls of the school in order to sit down on the hard pavement. "I was so awful to him." She cried, her shoulders quivering. "I wish I could tell him how sorry I am, and…" she sniffed, "how proud I am of him… He's not nice, that I know, but he is smart, incredibly smart. Maybe it was me not giving him the affection and attention he needs that caused him to feel the need to lash out… maybe my feelings towards him hurt him… maybe this was all my fault…" she finished, a single tear trailing down her cheek.

Sally quietly moved to sit down next to her friend, sighing as her back popped. "I know it's not easy…" she frowned, looking over, "but you'll figure it out. Our kids are special and we just have to remember that they are not us, and we can't fix everything that happens in their lives." She paused. "Sometimes you have to let them figure things out for themselves, and all you can do is watch and offer advice to them. "

"I know I hurt him." Claire darkened.

"It's impossible to be perfect." Sally comforted. "There's a reason that they say being a mother is the hardest job in the world."

Mrs. Mccalister gave a weak smile before pushing up her glasses. "Thank you."

Suddenly a large boom shook the Earth, drawing the attention of both women. A large cloud of dust rose eerily from the forest surrounding the suburban area of Faircity, drifting steadily into the sky as if something had just catered into the soft ground there.

Sally gulped, knowing that that only meant danger, and it was only a few minutes away. "Let's get out of here."

The pair continued to walk around to the back of the school, Mrs. Botsford taking the lead. However, she paused after realizing that Claire had stopped following her, resorting to staring into the muddy ground of the field behind the school.

"It's his footprint." She called out, looking up towards Sally. "He made it out of the school."

The other mother walked over to investigate the claims, her mouth dropping as she too recognized the other pair of prints. "These are Becky’s too…"

Immediately they looked at each other then up at the open vent high up on the wall.

Without a sound, they began to follow, wandering through the field with no hesitation. They were going to find their kids.

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant