Liar Liar

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Becky woke up with a start. Next to her an alarm clock was beeping a monotonous tune, alerting her of the school day ahead. By no means had she gotten enough sleep during the night, but she wasn't upset. She would be lying if she said she hadn't enjoyed Tobey's newfound gentle side. It was unfortunate he didn't act like that all the time, but despite that she couldn't help but feel excited about seeing him again at school. Of course, it wouldn't be the same, talking to him as regular old Becky Botsford, but being friends with him wasn't as awful a thought as it had been. Thoughts of how she treated him at school yesterday filled her with regret. She thought that after fighting Mrs. Power she would have gotten better at holding back her tongue. She hoped Tobey would forgive her. However, she paused, allowing an unpleasant thought into her mind. What if this was just another one of his tricks? Every other time he had tried to act like a good person, it was just another ploy to try and trick her into revealing her secret identity.

One thing was for sure. She felt differently about him, and that made her feel something new. She liked it.

Slowly the girl tumbled out of bed, ready for the day ahead of her. It had been a long time since she had felt ready for school, and she hated to think that it had something to do with her newfound curiosity of Tobey.

For a moment she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she moved about the room. Eye bags had made their presence known, making her seem more than a little tired. The girl frowned, knowing that everyone would ask about them. An excuse was necessary.

Behind her Bob chirped in confusion, allowing Becky to pick him up lovingly.

"I had a weird night last night." She explained briefly. Looking at him through the mirror. Then for a moment the girl zoned out, thinking deeply. "What would you think if I said that Tobey wasn't as big of a jerk as we thought?"

Bob began screeching in alarm and the girl quickly got his point. It could have been a trick but the way he looked at her, how he held her hand and actually understood her... It was so genuine...

She shook her head, she couldn't think about it too much. Quickly she made an attempt to push the night from her mind.

Quickly she got dressed in her usual style and grabbed her backpack. Noting how she felt happier than she had in a long time. Ready for the day ahead, she walked to the kitchen, carrying Bob on her shoulder.

"Good morning." Her mom smiled, noticing her daughter's presence almost instantly. She was sitting at the dinner table with TJ, and her father was in the kitchen making a bowl of cereal.

"Morning." She smiled, walking towards the table.

"Goodness gracious, did you sleep alright?" Her dad frowned, looking over.


"Are you sure?" Her mother fretted, standing up to run her thumbs beneath her daughter's eyes. "You look exhausted."

"It's probably because she had her window open." TJ interrupted, spooning another bite of cereal into his mouth.

Their mom squinted in confusion. "Why was your window open?"

"Oh no..." She thought. Due to TJ's annoying addition she was about to be grounded. However in a split second she thought of an answer.

"Oh um... my room was hot."

"Fair enough." Her dad shrugged, going back to making his bowl of cereal.

The girl sighed. She wasn't in the mood for this. Deflecting pointless accusations in favor of keeping her identity a secret felt like something she had been doing a lot lately. The all too familiar feeling of disdain for her routine was racing back.

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyWhere stories live. Discover now