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The two slunk carefully through the streets, making their way quickly towards the downward leading stairs of the platform. They were surprised to not find more than a couple monsters between them and their destination. None of them noticed the heroes as they dashed by in the cover of shadow.

The subway station was a small underground building. It smelled of trash, and strange smears of assorted garbage dotted the unclean floor. Puddles of water pooled underneath dripping pipes, and rude graffiti covered the dirty stone walls. Next to the far wall, two tracks ran parallel to the platform. A train car had been pulled into the first rail. It looked completely abandoned. Becky propped open the subway gate, making sure that it wouldn't shut behind them.

Tobey said nothing as he walked over to the doors of the cabin. He made an attempt to tug one of them open, but it was shut tightly. Becky watched him struggle for a few moments, before moving to help.

"Move for a second." She told him, grabbing onto the gap between both barriers. He obliged, looking on in fascination. With minimal effort, she slid it aside, breaking it slightly in the process. A loud clang rang out as she shoved it into place. Tobey's eyes widened, but he looked away nonchalantly when Becky caught them. The boy then awkwardly stepped into the subway car.

The girl watched him as he scanned the area before going towards the main controls. He flipped a few switches before frowning.

"Blast..." he muttered to himself. "No keys. "

"So we're stuck?"

Tobey bent over and moved his hand gently across the circuit box. "I didn't say that." He then turned to look at Becky. "Do you think you could open this?"

The girl cracked her knuckles before easily popping open the small cabinet. Inside were thousands of tiny wires, all somehow intertwining to connect to a large box. In her mind it made no sense, but Tobey reached inside as if he had done it thousands of times.

"This may take a moment." He explained, searching through the assorted wires.

"I'll stand watch, I guess." Becky offered, turning to stand in the doorway.

The girl gazed out into the train platform. It was still empty. However as she looked around she got a weird feeling in her gut. The gate was closed. She had made sure that it had been propped open, but there it was, closed firmly.

"Hey, Tobey?" She asked, turning to look at him.


"I opened that gate, right?"

The boy turned, eyes wide to look at her. His gaze then shifted into a look of horror as he screamed. "Becky, look out!"

The girl swerved, moving just out of the way from a harsh blow. A monster had snuck up behind her in the few short seconds she had spun to look at Tobey. It now looked over her, reaching with a single gloved hand, drool dripping from its sullen mouth.

Instinctually Becky swung, hammering her fist into the creature's stomach. It went flying across the room, crashing into the wall at least 20 yards away.

Tobey looked on in awe, causing the girl to fumble for an excuse as to why her single punch had sent her enemy reeling.

"Wind!" She squeaked, shrugging. However Tobey ignored her reply.

"I need just another minute!"

The boy's hands worked hastily, but his mind swam with thoughts of what had just happened. Becky was a lot stronger than he had first thought. The door, the vent, the control panel. That could all be explained, but this... this... was interesting, and his mind pressed for answers. The same conclusion he had come to so many times prior rang for his attention once more, but he shook his head. He needed more evidence so that he could believe it unquestionably, but first he needed to finish hotwiring the subway car.

With trembling hands the boy pulled apart the final wire, now holding two of the thin rods within his hands. He smiled. This was about to get dangerous.

Behind him Becky tussled with almost four of the monsters. She had given up on trying to act natural, especially when coming this close to going under Eradica's control. The girl slammed punch after punch into the bodies of the poor mind controlled creatures, knocking them from the train car only to watch them get back up and race at her again.

"Brace yourself!!" Tobey yelled, finally sticking the two wires together. Instantly the subway car sparked with life, and the boy threw back the accelerator switch with an untamed vigor.

Becky quickly reached for one of the holding straps and clung to it just as the train jolted with movement. She then took a swing at the last monster, watching as it tumbled out of the car and onto the platform. Beaming, she looked towards her friend.

He smiled back, relieved that it had worked.

"We did it!" The girl brightened, walking over to stand next to him. She punched his arm playfully, joy and relief overcoming her senses.

"We actually did." He agreed, saying "we" as if he couldn't believe it. He then laughed in disbelief. A real genuine laugh.

Becky blushed, looking over at the boy as he lapsed into happiness. It was nice being around him as herself, and not wordgirl. They truly made a good team no matter who she was at the moment. She was always strong and level headed while Tobey was always insanely intelligent and... "exciting" the girl thought. He was exciting...

The subway car chugged along swiftly through the dark passage, picking up speed as it continued on. Immediately Tobey's face darkened, growing concerned over the uncontrollable speed.

"What stop do we need to get off at?" Becky asked, noting the problem.

"There's only one other station in this direction." He panicked, frantically digging his hands back into the wire box. "We're going to crash!"

Becky knelt next to the boy, trying to help him find a way to stop the train car. Through the window she could see a fast approaching light, and they were going at least 100 miles per hour down the metal rails.

Tobey struggled, knowing exactly what to do, but growing flustered once he realized it wasn't working. The system was completely fried. There was nothing he could do. He raised his arms in defeat and Becky got a sour feeling in her stomach.

"It's over." He pouted, growing weaker. "I told you we shouldn't have left the school!"

The subway car suddenly jolted, throwing the two across the room. They were almost at the station.

Becky narrowed her eyes, doing her best to stand and get the scrawny boy to his feet. They were now facing the empty doorway, the one that she had broken during their fight. She narrowed her eyes, hating everything about the idea she had just thought of. Her voice grew stern and commanding as she spoke, "When I say run, run."

"Out of the car?!" Tobey sputtered, looking at her as if she were insane.

Suddenly the light of the station flooded their view and Becky surged forward, grabbing the boy's hand. "Run."

Surprisingly he followed without question. Leaping out of the speeding car alongside the girl he had formerly despised.

A loud explosion echoed throughout the tunnels, sending a rippled wave of excruciating noises throughout the station. A warm, burning heat enveloped the two, scalding their skin until they rocketed out of the fiery cloud, rolling onto the harsh concrete scraping their arms and legs as they sprawled out.

"You're insane..." Tobey muttered, lying flat on the ground, quickly letting go of her hand.

"And since when have you had problems with that?" Becky retorted, wiping her face of the black dust leftover from the explosion. A fire was now smoldering over what used to be the subway car, now turned rubble.

"Fair point." He sighed, refusing to get up.

Both felt exhausted, being completely drained from their daring escape. However the sound of inhuman screeches drew them to stand. Eradica's victims were everywhere, including here.

"Let's go," Tobey frowned, walking off towards the exit. It was obvious that he wanted to get home.

Becky followed closely, wondering if he would be acting differently if she had done all of this as Wordgirl. She knew for a fact that he wouldn't have let go of her hand...

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyWhere stories live. Discover now