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The limbs and underbrush tore at the boy's legs as he ran through the forest, tears streaming down his grisly bruised face. He felt himself beginning to slip, no... fall, back into his old headspace, angry, helpless, and deeply hurt. This was it. He wasn't meant to be good and no matter how hard he tried there would be no way for him to regain Becky's trust or affection. The way she had looked into his eyes and sobbed... it tore him apart inside much more than the slices and cuts littering his frail body. Mother was right.

After a while his legs finally gave out, sending him sprawling down upon the harsh, unforgiving ground below. He felt nothing, allowing the pain to wash over him while recognizing how he had brought this upon himself. Instead of getting up, he just continued to lay down flat against the grass. His glasses had a small crack in the left lens, and he resorted to taking them off in order to look up at the sky above.

Blood was dripping down his forehead and he wiped it off with his arm, sighing in exhaustion. Nothing would ever be the same after this...

In his mind he was slowly replaying the last few days, examining each moment with daggered detail. Staying up late, Becky defending him in front of her friends, escaping the school, hotwiring the subway... it all ran through his mind, and he shut his eyes tightly, trying to think of anything he could do to make up for his aberration.

Nothing came to mind.

However, something did pop into his head, a warm and comforting thought compared to his bleak situation.

Everything that had happened throughout these past few days, the good and the bad, happened because he had made an attempt to be a better person, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized that the amount of amazing moments he had, outweighed the bad.

He sighed, now realizing his obvious conclusion. He had to go back. He wasn't a villain anymore, and Becky needed him whether she wanted him there or not...


Becky stared off into the tree line, completely frozen. It was him... and it had been him this entire time. All of the pain and suffering that they had felt together was because of him. Inside she felt betrayed. Her boyfriend turned out to be exactly how she had first assumed. Violet and Scoops' original conclusion had been entirely correct. Tobey was nothing more than a villain. Sobbing, she fell back down onto the ground, wanting nothing more than to be someone other than herself. WordGirl was dead. Completely helpless she remained still. Around her, her hair was blowing in all directions in the gentle breeze. She had genuinely loved him..."Tsk tsk..." A voice giggled, coming from the darkness surrounding the clearing. "You didn't think I would leave and miss everything that just happened... did you?" Becky refused to move, knowing well that she had been bested.Eradica came up to sit beside her. "He was always a lousy villain," she cooed "too bad he was an even lousier hero." A toothy smile crossed the robot's lips, both unnatural and unnerving to look at. "He's gone now."A single tear trickled down Becky's face. "You were a mistake..." she growled, her body straining to allow the word to come out of her. "And yet I was the only successful creation he ever made.""No..." The girl hissed, struggling to sit up and poke a finger into Eradica's metallic face. "You're a bugged, glitchy mess whose only purpose is to be recycled into something actually useful. Tobey has been trying so hard to become a better person, and you were just a tragic mistake of his brilliant mind." She stood, stepping closer to the robot whose eyes lit up in amusement."Are you done yet?" Becky sputtered in anger and Eradica pinched the bridge of her nose with her one remaining hand. "I have my answers now... there's nothing stopping me from killing you anymore," she threatened, clearly amused. "Be careful with how you chose to speak to me.""You don't scare me anymore." The girl spat, her head spinning with rage. "You've taken my home, my friends, my family, what else do I have to lose other than my life?!"Suddenly a funny expression crossed the robots face as she recalculated according to the girl's response. Effortlessly she lifted her remaining arm, commanding forth a swarm of metal tendrils to bar the girl in place. "You have everything to lose..." She laughed, causing one of her eyes to roll hazily to the side. "You're going to watch your boyfriend die in front of you." "He's long gone by now!""He's completely infatuated with you... half of my programming exists purely to impress you... he will come for you, and when he does, I will make sure to make his death excruciatingly slow just for you." Becky sat helplessly in the metal cage, unable to escape and incapable of warning Tobey. All of her energy had been drained, and as she made an attempt to press against the metal bars, she realized her super strength was useless against them. "Get far away from here..." She prayed, hoping for Tobey to already be halfway across the city.


Tobey panted, struggling to breathe in the muggy night air. His body burned from over exertion, but his heart drove him to continue. "I need to stop Eradica." He determined harshly, trying to think of a way to do the impossible. His mind was working overtime trying to come up with a solution. Then it hit him, and he smirked, his narcissistic pride returning to fuel his forgotten ego. She wouldn't stand a chance... Quickly the boy began to run home, ignoring his aching body, and instead focusing on Becky. He had to, no, needed to win her back, and nothing, not even his own creation, was going to stop him from getting her back.

Again, thank you to everyone who has been reading, voting and following throughout the story. Y'all are the absolute best! <3

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyWhere stories live. Discover now