Surprise Visit

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What was she doing? This was such a stupid idea. Just because he had been acting nicer to her than usual, meant nothing. He was a bad guy, no matter how he had made her feel last night, but she had to figure out if he was being genuine or not. He was probably the same old Tobey he had always been. Obnoxious and narcissistic...

For a moment she sat watching him tinker on some sort of mechanical mess through the light of his window. He wore a bulky handmade helmet accompanied with a pair of goggles, each lense a different color. Immediately she thought he was building a new type of robot, but as she continued watching she could now see that he was actually taking it apart.

She also couldn't help but notice how happy he looked while working on and around the hunk of metal. She had never considered how robotics was more than just a cruel outlet for him when things didn't go his way.

"I should leave..." She thought again, drifting away slowly, before once again remembering why she was there.

Last night was so odd. For the first time in forever she actually felt like someone understood her, and she wanted to talk more about how they weren't so different after all... as long as it wasn't a trick. Becky knew deep down that both Violet and Scoops had a point, but she didn't want to believe it. If she really was alone, she didn't know what she would do.

Awkwardly she knocked on his window, preparing herself to face his regular annoying attitude.

The boy haphazardly glanced over, before making a double take. He stumbled in shock over to the window, tripping over his toolbox as he walked.

"Wordgirl?!" He asked, fumbling with the locks on his window, before opening it up.

"Sorry for dropping by unexpectedly." Becky smiled meekly. "I was bored..."

Tobey was frozen, looking at her with wide eyes and a completely enamored expression. "What a pleasant surprise." He breathed.

"Mind if I come in?"

For a second the boy panicked . "B-By all means." He hastily opened his window, giving the girl space to float into his room. She landed softly on the carpeted floor.

Becky had been to Tobey's house on multiple occasions, but never once had she gotten a good look at his room.

It was moderately sized but cluttered with scraps of both paper and metal scattered all over the space. A large drawing board sat on one side, covered with elaborate blueprints of all kinds. One had an expertly drawn figure of a classic giant robot, but the others were unfamiliar. One in particular was different from the rest, it was covered in long protrusions of spikes, and was much much bigger than anything she had ever faced before. She suddenly hoped that she would never have to fight this new design.

"So what exactly are you doing?" She asked playfully, looking over the giant hunk of metal on his floor. She nudged it gently with her boot.

Tobey blushed, trying to pretend like he hadn't been staring at her. "Just changing an old design." He explained, slapping the metal hull affectionately. "It was supposed to..." he paused. He couldn't tell her it used to be for trying to expose her secret identity.

"A... cleaning robot." He blurted out, biting his lip nervously.

"Really?" Becky asked, narrowing her eyes.


She giggled, noting that he was still in fact acting differently.

Tobey couldn't believe it. Wordgirl was in his room, and she just wanted to hang out, as if they were friends. He never would have guessed that she had been serious about hanging out again.

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyWhere stories live. Discover now