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"Are they gone?" Mrs. Botsford asked, peering over her friend's brawny shoulders. Her voice was barely above a whisper and her body shook from fright.

"I don't hear anything, but they could just be staying quiet..." Mrs. Mccalister frowned, looking out from the slight crack in the cafe's pantry door.

For almost an hour the two had been trapped in the small closet, having fled there after Eradica's slaves flooded into the restaurant, transforming everyone around them. They had also overheard the radio warning coming from the three TVs in the main dining room. It was a miracle that they hadn't been noticed escaping into the kitchen during the raid.

"I'm tired of sitting in here." Mrs. Mccalister panicked, making another attempt to see into the room beyond. "I need to find Tobey."

The other woman placed a hand onto her friend's shoulder, looking into her eyes as best she could in the darkness. "He's going to be okay."

"Sally, the last things I said to him were awful. If he's..." she swallowed, "if he's gone..."

"I'm worried too." The mother confessed, looking away, "but our kids are smart, rational people, and I'm positive that they have found somewhere safe to hide out."

"Becky is..." Claire darkened. "Tobey is different and for all I know he could have caused all of this." She buried her head into her hands and Sally patted her back.

"I haven't heard any robots yet, have faith in him."

"He's been locked up in his room for days, Sally! Days!! Every time he does this it's followed by him enacting one of his awful plans, and this time it's finally worked and it's all my fault." The woman flustered, tears tugging at her once sharp eyes.

Mrs. Botsford frowned, breathing out heavily before picking up her purse and tugging it over her shoulder with a determined scowl.

"What... what are you doing?"

"We are going to go find our kids." Sally commanded, pushing herself between the pantry door and her ragged friend. "If Tobey did do this then we're going to go and stop him."

Claire gulped, praying that he wasn't truly the cause of all of this.


Becky stood firmly, feeling the cool air as her armor scaled into place over her regular clothing, twisting and winding into shape perfectly placid against her small frame. As much as she had grown distasteful towards being WordGirl, she still had a responsibility, and this was definitely something that no mere mortal could take care of on their own.

Angrily, the girl burst through the shed door, knocking off the useless lock and sending the door flying across the lawn. The old wood shattered against the hard ground. She was going to get this over with as quickly as possible.

Leaping into the air, she began to gain altitude, feeling herself growing warmer as her speed increased tremendously. Her mind swam with a mix of anger, annoyance, and guilt of leaving Tobey all by himself. However, she knew that this was the way it had to be. WordGirl would come in, save the day, and everything could go back to the way it was before. She could continue their nightly visits and maybe one day she could share her secret with him, but nothing like that was ever going to happen today. Once again, she felt her heart hardening and she drove herself to try and find Eradica's location.

Her eyes were immediately drawn to the large buildings scattered about the city, but each of them seemed relatively empty, dotted only partially with the presence of several zombies.

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyWhere stories live. Discover now