How to Find The Good Ones

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Suddenly the boy grew serious, looking at the girl who now leaned comfortably in his arms. "You tried to fight Eradica on your own… didn't you?"

Her neat brown hair silhouetted her disappointed face, hiding the long cut that stretched down her cheek. "I can't stop her." She frowned, her expression growing darker. "I don't know what she wants from me, but until I find out how to give her the answers she wants, we're both stuck down here."

Tobey bit his lip, knowing the secret behind Eradica’s abilities, however he couldn’t bring himself to tell Becky. Not now. Not after what had just happened. "You still need time to heal," He thought aloud, "maybe we can come up with something in the meantime."

Becky ran a hand through his thick blond hair, which was still messy from sleep. "We?" She smirked happily, causing him to blush once more.

"Sorry… I just presumed… "

Slowly Becky leaned in to plant a single kiss against his cheek. "You presumed right."

"W-what did she say when you saw her?" He continued, melting beneath her touch.

Becky winced, struggling to remember the fight. Her head ached and groaned from the effort. "She said that someone had told her to find me…"

Tobey gulped, that was definitely his code. "Did she say who sent her?"

"No, that's what she wanted to know… why she had to find me…" she rubbed her head. "I don't have an answer for her."

The boy looked away, knowing that this was all his fault. It shouldn't be her responsibility to constantly be cleaning up his mistakes. He didn't want to be evil anymore just… happy, but fate had other plans.

"Maybe if I go out and try to find her again I can figure this out," she thought irrationally, looking into Tobey's eyes.

"You're still hurt,"  he muttered, uncomfortable with the idea, "you just need to relax for the day."

Becky layed back down, staring into the ceiling "I feel so useless, though…"

"But at least you're safe."

She shook her head. "Neither of us are safe until Eradica is gone... I feel awful about just sitting here, laying down all day."

Tobey thought for a second, desperately wanting to move the conversation away from his biggest mistake. His eyes landed on the radio he had built, which was now lying turned over in the corner of the room. "Actually…" He began, walking over to fetch the small box, "movement will cure you faster…"

"What are you suggesting?"

Swiftly he turned the dial, searching for a station that was something other than troubling static or emergency broadcasts. Eventually he found one with music and allowed it to play out, filling the bunker with life. With quick movements he set the radio back down and held out a hand to Becky who was still sitting down on the floor. "Would you like to dance with me?"

"Oh um... I uh… I can't dance." She sputtered awkwardly, shying away from his outstretched arm.

"That's alright." Tobey reassured, smiling softly. "I can teach you."

Becky looked back up at him with wide eyes which caused the boy to blush and scratch the back of his neck.

"That and I'm looking for an excuse to hold your hand…" He admitted awkwardly, finally swaying the girl to accept the offer.

"Just don't say that I didn't warn you." She smirked, standing up. Her movements were rigid as she tried to maneuver around her injuries, barely allowing her to place a fragile hand against her partner's shoulder. 

Lovingly, Tobey placed a hand on her waist and with the other he laced their fingers together with a tender smile. 

"I still can't get over how you managed to change so much in so little time." Becky sighed, swaying along with the boy's subtle movements. 

"Well, I haven't changed that much…" He mumbled awkwardly, avoiding eye contact, hating how the conversation continued to remind him of Eradica.

"So you've just secretly been this perfect guy this whole time," the girl asked sarcastically.

"Obviously. "

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

Becky tilted her head. "How are you always just so… okay with being yourself?"

Tobey paused, thinking over the question before forming an appropriate answer. "Well…" He frowned, furrowing his brow. "Some days it's easier than others, but I know that I should be proud of who I am… and when I'm not I try to become someone that I can be proud of… I realized a long time ago that…" He hung his head low, "that if I wanted that feeling of being accepted, I would have to do it myself…"

Becky looked at him glumly, moving ever so slightly closer to her partner as they shuffled across the room. "I think you're amazing." She admitted softly, leaning in to turn their waltz into a warm, lingering hug that first caught Tobey off guard, but quickly melted into her arms. 

As they pulled away and back into their dance he realized it was his turn to ask a question. "Are you not happy with yourself?"

"I am, but…" she frowned, "it's complicated."

"We have all day."

She glanced up, a sparkle noticeably twinkling within her dark eyes. "For a while I've thought of Becky and Wordgirl as separate people… you know, like… two halves where at any given moment I could only be one or the other and I could never be good enough…" She then smiled, "but right now I feel like I'm just me… not Becky or Wordgirl but a happy, imperfect mix and for some reason I don't feel bothered by that."

"I like you." Tobey grinned. "For a long time I thought I was in love with Wordgirl, but… there's so much more to you than just that."

Becky chuckled. "I thought you were a narcissistic brat, but I'm glad you proved me wrong."

"Rude." Tobey teased, pushing her gently. "For your information I am a genius narcissistic brat."

"Actually," the girl smiled shyly. "You're my boyfriend now."

"I would take that title over genius any day," he breathed, leaning in for a final kiss.

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα