It's Not The End

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Tobey nodded, expressionless as his mother looked him up and down. "I just need time," he explained, turning to look at the forest surrounding them. "No doubt Eradica is searching for me and we can't let her find us."

"And what happens if she does?" Mrs. Botsford asked wearily, her voice quivering. "What happened to Becky?" The woman was falling apart and beginning to tear up.

"I'm... I'm not sure..." The boy admitted, hanging his head.

"And why hasn't Wordgirl done anything?!" The mother sobbed, growing angry as she tried to work through the awful news she had just received. Tobey bit his lip, observing how Mrs. Botsford balled her fists and narrowed her eyes.

"We're going to find her." Claire reassured, placing a hand on the woman's back before nodding at Tobey to start moving through the underbrush.

The loud clicks and whirrs of machinery could be heard echoing throughout the entire forest, as a wave of metallic tentacles plowed through the maze of trees. His nerves were slowly getting the better of him, and Tobey felt himself gripping the devices in his pocket tighter than before. If he was caught, everything would be over.

In his mind he knew that they were close. Eradica was searching for them, but wasn't stupid enough to let herself roam too far from where Tobey knew Becky's last location to be. Wordgirl was bait, and if they were going to save her, they would need to draw Eradica further away.

Behind him, his mother and Mrs. Botsford had grown silent. Sally had calmed down, but her face and eyes had grown red from crying.

Tobey's fingers danced around the remote control in his pocket as he tried to think of a plan. What would draw Eradica away long enough for him to get Becky?

Suddenly a deafening roar filled the air as the loud sounds began growing closer.

Over the tops of the trees a horrifying, churning pile of scrap metal came rolling over the terrain, Eradica herself perched atop the chaotic wave. They had been spotted.

Tobey's breath hitched as he froze, taking in the awful sight. All he could manage to do was mutter a single word. "Run."

Instantly the trio began racing back the way they came, dodging the foliage and trying desperately to keep ahead of the razor sharp scraps biting at their heels.

The wind whistled as Tobey ran. His lungs were screaming for air, and the several cuts lining his body were also begging for his attention. They were moving in the wrong direction now. He had to lose Eradica somehow, but fighting would be useless. He also couldn't run forever, as he could already hear the moms beside him breathing harshly.

Next to them a horrifying crunch alerted them of a falling tree. The metal shrapnel had easily sliced through the coarse trunk and sent it slamming to the ground.

With a panicked mind, Tobey glanced at his surroundings, searching for any type of solution to their problems. Every second not spent escaping was a second Eradica was surging ever closer, and he knew that there was a cliff further ahead.

With cautious glances, Tobey turned to look behind at the robot currently chasing them. She was at least thirty feet in the air, perched on top of her army of ever moving scraps and barreling forward with that constant glint in her cold, dead eyes. If he could just hit her...

Suddenly, Mrs. Botsford yelped as a metal tentacle nicked her heel, causing her to stumble. Thankfully, she regained momentum quickly, sending up a cloud of dust as her sneakers slid against the uneven ground. The metal snake responsible for her slip was flung backwards by the odd angle of impact, easily getting crushed by the constant movement of its twins.

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyWhere stories live. Discover now