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The subway led up onto a winding road surrounded by nice houses. Tobey recognized it immediately. He normally never used the subway system to get home, but was still well versed in how it operated. A while ago he had even thought of staging a massive takeover that started in the underground tunnels, but now he recognized how the plan no longer seemed like a good idea. 

Becky frowned, looking up and down towards the many houses as they sprinted through the quaint neighborhood. Sometimes she would see one of Eradica’s victims, rambling on making incoherent squeals and screams. Every time she saw one her heart sank. She had to fix this.

After a few minutes they reached the boy’s house, and he unlocked the backyard gate allowing Becky to go through first.

She had seen his yard several times before, and it was nothing impressive. A single shed sat on the left hand side, and no trees of flowers dotted the grass. It was quite bland, but suitable for a family that didn't spend much time outdoors. 

"So where is this laboratory of yours?" Becky asked, puzzled at the idea of an old shed keeping them safe. Eradica’s slaves had broken down the thick door to the school's broom closet, so an old wimpy building was going to do even less.

"It's worth it, I promise." Tobey assured, opening up the partially broken door. Holes littered its surface. 

"I really hope so…" she whined, trying to hold a fake smile. This was an awful place to hide. As she walked inside she got the feeling that the building could topple over if a particularly strong breeze blew by. 

Tobey watched her face, chuckling slightly. He locked the door behind them. "Move that box." He ordered, pointing at a large crate standing in the center of the hut.


"It looks bad there…" He teased, staring blankly at her. "You're just stronger than I am… move it and you'll understand."

Becky raised a brow and cracked her knuckles, easily pushing aside the wooden crate. It wasn't heavy but she understood why Tobey had asked her to move it.

Underneath was a silver door. 

Becky looked up, confused.

"Secret laboratory," he smirked, beaming at his own brilliance. He crossed his arms. "Pretty genius, right?"

"Maybe. How do you get it open?"

He smirked. "There's a password." He reached out a hand to tap the smooth silver door, causing a keyboard to appear on the hidden screen. He typed something in with rapid movements and Becky made an attempt to take note of the code.

She was impressed by how fast he managed to type in the password, something he clearly learned from years of coding. 

As soon as he pressed enter the center of the door slid down, revealing a long tubelike passage, engraved with smooth grooves that acted as an aesthetic ladder. 

Tobey quickly moved to start climbing down, entering the ground with confidence. He was apparently comfortable in the tight space.

Becky took a deep breath before following, slightly nervous to the idea of hiding out down there. However her mind changed completely upon dropping to the floor of the underground bunker. 

The lights flickered on as Tobey flipped a single light switch hidden within a large green breaker box, eventually illuminating the entire space. It was much larger than she had anticipated, and it was barely noticeable that they were below the surface. Blueprints and papers littered the black tiled floor, along with all types of scrap metal and tools. 

"I know it's messy." The boy excused, making an attempt to pick up some of the objects scattered across the ground. 

"It's fine." Becky replied, looking around wildly. The bunker was split into two sides, one being larger and more cluttered while the other was smaller and less used. An awful looking metal couch sat crudely in the corner of the larger room. 

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu