Life and Death

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Class was continuing as normal until it happened

A scream of complete agony rang out through the halls, causing the entire class to freeze. An odd look went over Mrs. Davis' face as she paused the lesson, taking a look at her phone. She then looked back up and gave a nervous chuckle. "Don't worry, it's probably just someone messing around in the halls." She guessed, shrugging her shoulders. The woman then made an attempt to continue her lesson, but it wasn't the same. An air of concern crept over her choppy speel, and she took numerous glances out the door window to look into the hall. Something was wrong.

Becky felt it as well. An icy feeling washed over her and as she glanced at her friends, she could tell that they felt it as well.

That's when another scream overcame them. Then another, and another. A whole cacophony of terrified, chaotic screeches shook the school, and blurs of color began smearing past the door, causing the whole class to freeze.

"Everyone get into the corner." Mrs. Davis ordered sternly, ushering the students into the part of the classroom hidden from the door window. With a quick motion she flicked off the lights, plunging the room into darkness. Becky followed her friends closely, her steps illuminated only by the light of the window. Her breath ran cold.

"What's happening?" Violet whispered, clutching on tightly to Scoops' arm. Her face had grown pale, and her normal happy smile had turned into a look of despair.

"Shh." Mrs. Davis hushed, standing between both the door and the huddled group of students behind her. Together the group watched the window, observing the dark looming shadows that passed by the transparent screen. By now the screaming had stopped, and only the sounds of breathing could be heard echoing through the classroom.

Becky's mind raced. What villain was terrorizing the school? It sounded like an entire army was ravaging the halls, but no villain she knew had as many followers as she had heard wrecking the halls. With a cautious glare she peered at the boy next to her. Tobey was just as terrified as the others. This couldn't be his doing, especially with all the things he had said the nights before.

"Becky...?" Scoops muttered quietly, looking towards her. His eyes darted between her and the door as if asking if she was going to do anything. He seemed to have forgotten about their small feud.

Annoyed, she shrugged and made a small gesture to point out all the people around them. The boy then froze, processing the information, before nodding.

Suddenly the sound of breaking glass filled the air as a stone flew through the window and into the classroom. Shards flew everywhere causing everyone to raise their arms in defense. A long, slender arm leaned in through the small opening and carefully flicked open the lock. The door handle jiggled and soon enough a slender silhouette entered the room, it was followed by two, much smaller, shadows.

The figure was tall and dark, her black hair fell neatly over her face and stretched all the way down to her waist. She also had a pair of red brimmed glasses that complemented her dark suit well. She hovered weightlessly above the ground, a sneer stretching across her face. However, her most striking feature was an odd pair of gloves adorning her hands. They looked almost like metal, but were intricately laced into a chaotic, but no less beautiful, mess. Embedded into the palms of the metal were strange red gems. Their glimmer was both enticing and dangerous.

"Who are you?!" Mrs Davis spat, backing away closer to the students she was so desperately trying to protect.

The woman only laughed before inching closer. Her face contorted into a slew of unnatural shapes and expressions before clicking into smirk. Her eyes seemed to brighten as she spoke. "Eradica..." Her voice was inhuman. A low growl that strengthened into a mechanical whirr.

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