Ultimate Sacrifice

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Tobey worked quickly, his trained fingers moving gently over the delicate surface of the microscopic circuit board.

“What are you doing?” Becky asked, rolling onto her stomach and placing a hand under her chin. 

For the past few hours Tobey had been tinkering quietly on yet another machine, this one much smaller but requiring more effort for its creation. It was around the size of a quarter but square and exceedingly heavy despite its size.  

“Just something to help occupy our time.” He lied, burning down another small piece onto the green chip. 

Becky watched intrigued. 

The truth was that Tobey had a plan. This was his fault, and he was determined to fix it without allowing Becky to fall back into harm’s way. The device, when stuck to the surface of a robot, would immediately fry its system, shutting it down permanently, and if he could sneak up on his Eradica without alerting her of his presence, he could save the day without an ensuing battle. 

“It’s almost done.” He muttered seriously. 

“You still haven’t even told me what it is!”

Gently the boy kissed her forehead. "I'll tell you when it's done." He explained,  knowing very well that he wouldn't unless things worked out. The boy had no qualms with dying as long as his girlfriend was safe. 

Tenderly Becky leaned her head onto his shoulder, watching his work peacefully. 

Her breath was warm against Tobey's neck and he leaned his own head against hers. Around her he felt comfortable, a feeling that made him feel even more disgusted in his actions. How could he ever hurt someone like her?

After a few moments Becky yawned, growing weary not only from exhaustion, but the medicine she had taken earlier. 

"You should get some sleep." Tobey sighed, nuzzling her gently. 

"I feel like that's all I've done today." Becky frowned, stretching her arms. 

"You're healing." He explained, finishing up his strange new invention. "You need all the rest you can get."

"You're cute when you're being smart." Becky smiled, nudging him slightly. 

"And you're cute all the time…"

The girl beamed, curling up inside her makeshift bed for a quick nap. "Thanks, Tobey."

"Get some sleep." He repeated lovingly, brushing a strand of hair from her face. 

Slowly she closed her eyes, quickly drifting off into a light slumber. 

Almost immediately, Tobey sprang into action, grabbing his invention and heading for the ladder. He was going to find Eradica and put an end to this. When he was halfway up he looked back down at the sleeping girl below him. "I love you, Becky…" he whispered, barely audible above the wind blowing through the shed above. "Never forget me." 

And with that, he left, going off to fight a battle he knew he could never even dream of winning. His only hope was that his sacrifice could bring about Eradica’s own destruction, and as long as Becky was safe,  he was okay with that

Sorry about the short chapter! As I said previously this is because I wanted tomorrow's update to be really good as a kind of make up for the hectic week lol. It's prom tomorrow, but I already have half of it written and unlike most of this fic, part of it was actually edited as I wrote a section of it before 99% of everything you've already read. But yeah, it should be pretty cool and I'm excited to release it. I might also add a photo of my dress or something because I'm really pumped about it too lol and I'm only ever going to be able to wear it for one night :'). Have an awesome night y'all lol.

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyWhere stories live. Discover now