2 • Get Out

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by the time we'd left the cafe, we were buzzing. the food here was pretty abysmal but the arrangements for the new album and following tour of America overruled the dull stomach ache I now had.

I whizzed home at a greater pace than usual and skidded on the ice that was left clinging to the gravel on the driveway as I fell through the door in my excitement to tell Zara the news.

"Zara! Babe! guess what!" I yelled through the house, trying to locate my beautiful girlfriend. She came tottering through to the kitchen in her high heels and short tight dress.

"you look gorgeous babe, what's the occasion?" I asked raising an eyebrow and admiring her.

"i- urr...to see you, of course!" she faltered. i would've thought it suspicious that she was wearing summer club clothes on the coldest October afternoon I'd ever experienced had I not been so giddy with excitement.

"Queen and I are going on another tour of America!" I yelled, literally jumping on the spot and pulling Zara into a tight hug, my sunglasses falling off my head.

"for fuck's sake, Roger!" she cried and I drew back from her. what? my ecstasy was replaced with confusion at why Zara was so annoyed about such amazing news. "another one? i can't bloody put up with this anymore!" she reeled back and we stood a couple of feet away from each other. I could see her cheeks growing red, as red as they did when she was about to yell.

oooooh. well, then. "what? what's wrong with going on another tour? it's my JOB." I was starting to get annoyed myself now. Zara had always been over the moon whenever Queen had another tour coming up and I didn't know what had changed, she'd never expressed a problem to me about it.

"you're never here, Roger, always out singing your silly songs and doing God knows what with other wome-" I cut her off. that's all I had to hear. anger engulfed my happiness and coursed through my body.

"my songs are NOT silly! it's music, try listening to it oneday if you care about me that much. my work is more than putting diamonds around your neck, Zee." somehow I was remaining calm and Zara was the one in hysterics. the news of this morning was clashing with her unexpected reaction and I didn't know how to react myself.

"oh, so you're not going to deny the picking up women part?" I couldn't. that'd be lying if I did. okay, so I'd tried to remain as faithful as I could, but c'mon! the band get really drunk on tours and one thing could very easily lead to another... I'd never intentionally go behind Zara's back. I cared about her too much to be that irresponsible. multiple times I'd came close to, but pushed them off at the last moment.

just moments ago I was so excited about this tour and now I just wished I hadn't said anything.

"never you mind about that, what're you doing walking around in your clubbing clothes when I'm out of the house?" that thought suddenly dawned on me. she only ever wore her stilettos and short dress when she was going on a...

there was something more than just me going away happening here.

"i can't live with this anymore, Roger. you're always galavanting around the world, leaving me in your dust."

"and all those offers to come with me have flown out of your head and out the window? my daily phone calls telling you everything and how much I missed you mean nothing? or would you just prefer it if I went off and left my dick here?" I was raising my voice now, not a gram of joy left in me.

"i can't believe how selfish you are. all your attempts to make me feel included, but you didn't do the one thing I wanted you to do, which was to stay here in the first place! you were studying dentistry before you joined that so-called band. and that's all you're good for. you're no drummer, Roger. oh yeah, and while you've been gone, I've been seeing Charlie, how does that compare to your secret affairs? he cares about me so much more than you do," she was inches away from my face and I could feel her breath on my cheeks. everything she'd just said hit me at once...CHARLIE!? Charlie-down-the-road? I raked a hand through my hair in disbelief. however, she had hit a nerve and I wasn't going to stand and listen to this anymore.

"get out of my house." I said simply after taking a deep breath. the five words that came from my own mouth hurt me more than everything she had just said. i meant them, which meant she'd be leaving. and i didn't want her to leave, but if she was going to treat me like this then it'd be the best thing.

"what?" Zara asked, reeling back, her composure faltering. "you can't just kick me out!"

"i wouldn't sound so sure of that if I were you. get packing. i want you gone by the end of the day."

without another word, Zara stormed upstairs and I heard her scream in anger as she had no choice but to collect her things. I loved her and I thought she loved me, but apparently she only loved the credit card that I carried in my pocket. she'd always been the glamorous sort and I always encouraged that, because I thought we were in love and I wanted to make her happy.

hot anger prickled my eyes as I stood rooted to the spot with nothing else in my mind than what I'd just heard. Charlie...trying to make me feel worthless...keeping secrets from me...then ignoring my condolences. i didn't want her in my house after that, but I also couldn't face to let her go...she was the light in my life (next to Queen) for so long and now darkness had fallen without her presence.

I stood in the kitchen by myself, still with my keys in my hand. there was only one place I could think of going for the rest of the day, I didn't want to be here until she'd gone, otherwise I knew I'd try and make her stay again.

Making a beeline for the door, I gently clicked it shut and got in my car again. it was cold in here, but I didn't feel it as I numbly drove, weaving in and out of the cars.

Driving down the roads I'd taken so many times in this past couple of months, I tried to make myself feel something, but there was nothing there.

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