20 • Grievances

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that night, when we'd all gone to bed at around one a.m, I couldn't sleep. the image of those men smothering Jenny was more than I could bear, thinking about what they were doing to her. she hadn't actually said specifically what they'd done, but we all know the gist of it.

i rolled over in the small bed and heard a distant sniffle. I checked to see if John, Freddie and Brian were asleep and they all were. listening intently to the sound of silence, another sniffle punctuated it. everything was black, all the lights were out, but I navigated my way to the back of the bus to check if Jenny was asleep.

when I got there, it was very clear that she wasn't. moonlight trickled in through a gap in the curtains, casting a shadow on a hunched figure on the seats. carefully, I went over to Jenny and sat down, clearing my throat quietly so she knew I was there.

it must have been around two a.m now and she jerked her head up when she registered I was there. I clicked on a lamp on the sideboard between the back of the seats and the wall of the bus, her face getting lit up. it was red and blotchy, as it had been earlier, but behind her puffy eyes I could still see shining beauty.

wordlessly, she shuffled closer to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I actually didn't know what to do, we hadn't hugged properly since the first night at the hotel and this felt different. this wasn't a hi-the-bed-is-cold hug, this was an i-need-you-here hug, so I slowly wrapped my arms round her back and brought her head into my shoulder.

Jenny's arms squeezed me tighter and I felt my breath get knocked out of me slightly as she clung on to me for comfort. It was reassuring for me that she saw me as a safety person, I knew who she trusted and would then be able to keep an eye out for her.

usually when I was in the back of the bus with a girl in the early hours of the morning, we were doing something a lot less innocent than hugging. but right now, I couldn't think of anything worse to be doing with Jenny here than that. I liked her, but in this moment my mind and heart was devoted to making her feel as safe as possible.

wow, look at me go, I did care. take that Brian.

eventually Jenny fell asleep after about half an hour.  I desperately wanted to move, I'd lost all feeling in my foot and my neck ached from the weight of Jenny's head right on my collarbone. but everything in me also wanted to stay put. her body was warm and I was worried that she'd awaken without me there.

slowly, without making any jerky movements, I slid out from the blankets and tucked them around her still body, rising and falling every few seconds. she just looked so peaceful but I knew that as soon as she woke up, she'd be on full alert again.

I gently swept the hair from her eyes, getting my fluffy blonde hair in my face whilst doing so and gave her the smallest of kisses atop her head. then I leant over to turn off the lamp fixed to the wall and noiselessly left her sleeping.


the next morning John, Freddie and I were convening in the kitchenette, avoiding the back room because Jenny was still sleeping.

"I went in there to see Jenny last night at around 2 ish." I started, leaning on the counter with a mug of coffee. a very large coffee.

"why's that?" Freddie asked, combing his hair at the kitchen sink. it wasn't at all sanitary, but this was a tour and all dignity was left behind at the recording studio when we went on tour. we always had a right laugh and up until yesterday night, we had.

"I heard Jenny crying. I saw her huddled on the seats wrapped in blankets so I went and sat with her until she fell asleep."

"did she mind?" Brian asked, concerned, coming in from the 'shower'. he'd clearly been eavesdropping the conversation and the sight of him made us all burst out laughing. he'd washed his hair and it hung limp, straight all the way down to his chest.

"oh. my. god." John cried, running to get his camera out.

"oi!" Brian shouted, starting to chase John around the kitchenette. this wasn't the first time we'd seen Bri with wet hair, but it was the first time we'd seen it straight.

"she held onto me as tight as she could," I answered Brian's question to Freddie, watching him and John run around the bus. "I hope she'll be alright soon. she's so strong and I don't want that to be taken away from her because of a pair of scummy men."

Freddie sighed before saying: "we just have to look out for her and give her the time she needs to heal. we can also help her seek further support once we get home if she feels she needs it. we just have to let her know that we're there for her."

his words were so wise. there were so many sides to Freddie, he could be wise Freddie, showman Freddie, party Freddie - he had so many dimensions, none of them lacking in kindness.

before I could reply, there was a crash and a yell from the other side of the bus. "WILL YOU SHUT IT!" Jenny yelled hysterically, coming for Brian and John running around like children. she was still wearing my bathrobe from last night.


the boys froze and turned to me, they were like a picture. Roger and Freddie were mid conversation, Fred's hand perfectly poised in midair. John and Brian literally froze as they were running, Brian's hair....well, his hair. despite everything, I laughed. "you look ridiculous," I smiled, pouring myself a glass of water. John was brandishing a camera, which he placed carefully onto his bed.

"sorry for the outburst." I said and they all nodded. it wasn't everyday that I was abruptly awoken by two hysterical queens. my slumber was peaceful and now I faced the anxiety of the day, Atlanta being our next stop.

"s'alright," the band mumbled, Brian in particular wearing the most red faced look of embarrassment.

"I need to have a chat with you all. come," I motioned for them all to sit at the back of the bus. they followed me obediently like ducklings following their mama: Brian towel drying his hair, Freddie putting on his rings and John doing up a purple tie. Roger followed in their wake with a mug of something bearing the slogan - sexy drummer. it was a personalised present from Freddie as a joke from when they first started out as a band, so I'd been told.

to be fair, the mug did not lie.

I waited until everybody was sat comfortably and had shut up before starting.

"right, where to begin?"

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