26 • The End

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a fearful expression formed on Jenny's face at my words. she snapped her book shut and shifted to face me, giving me her full attention.

I cleared my throat. I had to pretend I wasn't inexplicably head over heels for this woman. "look, how about you come back to England with us for a while, at least till the new year. we're having a party on the 31st to celebrate our tour and the New Year, and it wouldn't be the same without you. in fact, if it wasn't for you, we'd be stranded somewhere in American Norfolk round about now," I chuckled.

a look of so many emotions crossed Jenny's face. shock, confusion, you name it - it was there. but above all, shining through her other emotions like a bean of light, was happiness.

"yes! yes, i'd love to!" she cried and my spirits raised immediately. i wouldn't have to say goodbye to her after all. well, not for another couple weeks or so.


finally, the 23rd arrived and we were parking the bus back at the depot. it would be a shame to see Betty go, even if she was a bit of a pile of poorly manufactured shit. Freddie almost wailed when I told him this, covering the bus' non-existent ears.

the plane journey back was extremely tense. Paul didn't approve of Jenny coming back with us, he thought she was just a roadie that I'd grown emotionally attached to.

"Paul, do's a favour," I said, leaning over to talk eye to eye with him.

"what, Roger?"

"shut the fuck up. I've been listening to you for a month and a half now and quite frankly, I'm at the end of my tether so wrap up."

he was completely silent for the rest of the journey. I enjoyed the peacefulness.

at one point the plane hit a bit of turbulence and Jenny, who'd never flown before, held onto my knee, nearing my thigh, as she clung onto something for support. I tried helplessly to keep my cool as her hand was midway up my thigh, even if she didn't mean it in any other way than a search for a feeling of stability.

doing the rational thing, I held onto the top of her hand and slid it onto my knee, keeping my palm against her knuckles. she peered down and gave me a small smile. that smile made my heart sink right down to my toes as it spun round repressed emotion.


once we'd all gone back to our respectable houses, I gave Jenny a small tour of my humble abode when I realised that I didn't actually have a spare bed for her and the poor girl had been sleeping on an itchy bus seat for weeks already. I had a spare room, but it did not inhabit a bed.

I left her to browse around the now overgrown garden as I changed the sheets. should've done that two months ago before we left...oops. oh well.

"and what're you doing?" Jenny asked, startling me. she leaned against the door frame cockily, watching me slightly struggle to swap the sheets over. god she looked beautiful standing there, a cheeky smirk pulling up one side of her mouth.

"i'm changing the sheets," I replied. what else was I to say, 'i'm playing basketball' ???

"I can see that, you dingus. what did you get up to when I was in the garden, eh?"

I think I died on the spot.

"no! no, no! absolutely not...no!" I cringed at her speculations. my shocked expression made her crack a laugh. I would've gone all awkward a thousand more times to hear her laugh like that again. "I was actually changing them for you."

"oh...you know, I'm not really comfortable with-"

it was my turn to laugh. "Jen, you think I'm gunna stay in here with you? i'm taking the sofa, bed's all yours."

a wave of relief crossed her face. okay, ouch.
"are you sure you don't want me to take the sofa, I really don't mind-" I cut her off. I appreciated her manners, but I wasn't accepting them.

"nope, you slept on that awful bus seat for weeks, it's time you stayed somewhere comfortable. plus, might help to know your way around my bedroom...i'm going to put the kettle on," I winked at her and left the room, brushing past her so that our shoulders swept over each other's gently.

I probably shouldn't have been not-so subtly flirting with her, but here we were.


I was in the shit now. this gorgeous man had flown me over to England with his band, given me his bed for the week and was now openly flirting with me. and the worst part was I was enjoying every second of it.

what was I to do with Detroit? it wasn't like I had a family over there. even the thought of seeing Russ again made me shiver. maybe I could get a job here and live in London, near the band. but then again, I couldn't imagine them wanting me around all the time, I had to go back to America at some point.

but i wanted to be near Brian's friendship, Freddie's charisma, John's caring nature and Roger...Roger....I had fallen for him whilst on the tour. and after his comment I was fairly sure he had a little something for me too. I knew he was naturally a flirt, but I trusted him not to flirt with his closest friends. so maybe I was more than a friend to him...or maybe that was just wishful thinking...

either way, him and the band had helped me through thick and thin on that tour and I had an attachment to each and every one of them for their own unique reasons, I wasn't going to let that go if I could help it.


"here you go," I set Jenny a mug down onto the breakfast bar and sat opposite her, cradling the mug, warming my cold hands. it was now pitch black outside as we sat on the stools in my kitchen. one thing about my house was that it was never warm, but I felt a warmness in the room with Jenny in it.

if I could have asked her to stay forever right then and there, i would have


this was utter bliss. if Roger had asked me to stay forever right here and now, I would have.

hi I just wanted to confirm that no matter how deceiving the title of this chapter may look, this is definitely not the end! the story has just begun!

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