45 • Nightmarish

21 1 15

when I got in the door I was greeted by the sound of silence. usually Jenny was pottering around somewhere or watching tv, or she was in the shower. but this evening I presumed she must have been asleep and tiptoed into the bedroom as to not wake her.

entering my bedroom, I saw that Jenny was indeed in the bed, but not sleeping. she was still as if she was sleeping, huddled in a ball, but making noises. subtle moans.

getting worried, I sat on the bed and put my hand on her shoulder. her body jerked and she spun around. her tear-stained face met mine and before I could even say anything, her arms snapped around my waist and she held onto me like that was the last thing she would ever do.

"Jen, what's up? are you okay?" panic arose in my voice; I was left completely perplexed by her unusual behaviour.

it took her a moment to answer between sobs. "it hurts...." another cry escaped from her and she gripped onto me even tighter, almost winding me.

"Jennifer, where does it hurt? do I need to call a doctor?" I was definitely in panic-mode now. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me, rocking us gently and stroking her hair whilst she cried.

"no, no doctor," she gasped, allowing air to flood into her lungs. "it's okay, Roger."

"it's clearly not. what's going on?"

Jenny brought her knees to her chest and took many, long deep breaths to calm herself down and it was all I could do to just hold her and tell her everything was okay.

"I need the loo," she said instead of answering my question and hobbled off towards the bathroom. anxiety filled my brain and I wondered whether I was more worried about this or when I had to go into hospital. it was perhaps a tie.

whilst she was gone, I shook out the sheets to make them neater for the both of us as they were all tangled up. however, when I flipped the duvet cover back I noticed a dark red patch on the bottom sheet.

I pondered it for a moment and then everything clicked into place. oh... poor Jenny. it was surreal to think that this happened every month and nobody said anything about it. like, at all. at least I was assured that she she wasn't on her deathbed, but I could imagine this was a close match.

quickly, I yanked the sheets and pillows off the bed and stripped the bottom sheet off, bundling it up and stuffing it in the wash basket. just as the bathroom door opened again, I had pulled the last corner of the fresh, clean bottom sheet over the mattress.

"you okay, baby?" I gently slid my arms around her waist and planted a kiss on her forehead. she burrowed her head in my chest and then broke away, heading towards her pyjama drawer.

"it still hurts." there was no amusement in her voice as she pulled on a clean pair of pj's, the stained ones joining the bottom sheet in the wash basket.

"I know, Jen. I know."

ten minutes later and she was tucked up in bed with a hot water bottle, painkillers working their magic and both a glass of water and a mug of tea. the only light was coming from the television, which playing was The Love Bug. to my surprise, Jen loved that film as much as I did.

she fell asleep with her head on my stomach and legs intertwined with mine. once I knew she was asleep, I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed it, whispering her a goodnight into the darkness before finishing the remainder of the film by myself and settling to sleep.


I woke up in a cold sweat. itchy. tangled. petrified. and in excruciating pain. the painkillers had worn off, the hot water bottle was a cold lump in the bed and Roger had rolled over in his sleep to the very edge of the bed, leaving me in an isolated clump of knotted duvet.

not to mention I was absolutely terrified. the dream I'd had was so real that I was almost convinced it actually happened. I didn't want to wake Roger, not at all, but I could also barely move and just really needed his comfort right now.

the period pains had never been this bad before and I wasn't too sure what was causing such havoc now, but I was sure it was a one-off thing. menstrual cycles were too interchangeable to stick to a routine.

taking a long slug of water, it nearly didn't go down as it took a different path down my throat, causing me to sit up abruptly, coughing and spluttering whilst also getting a sudden burst of headrush. not only this, but the coughing didn't help with the cramps or the bleeding. always a pleasure...

obviously my noisiness awoke Roger and in a way I was glad that it did as he semi-consciously hit my back a few times like I was a child. it worked, though. he then lied us back down and cradled my throbbing head. it was like he already knew where everywhere hurt. I loved him so much.

"I had a bad dream."

"on top of everything else?!" Roger's voice rumbled through me as my ear was pressed against his chest.


"what was it about, Jen?" something about his sleepy voice just instantly calmed me and I suddenly didn't feel all that bad about the dream.

"we were on a date and you went to the toilet and a man came and took me away and shoved me in the back of a van and drove away into some woods that were on fire." I shivered as I recited my awful dream. I never was particularly enthusiastic about fire, ever since I was a child. it wasn't a phobia as such, but it certainly unsettled me.

"nothing is going well for you today, is it?" he let out a low laugh. I would almost have been insulted if he hadn't have engulfed me in a tight hug before letting go and falling straight back to sleep again. "nothing to fear here..." he mumbled incoherently.

nothing to fear here, we'll see about that...

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