12 • Approval

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'The Lady's' POV

"hmmm," I stepped back and assessed the situation. the engine had overheated slightly, a few major wires were screwed too tight and the bus didn't have enough water. "I don't know what's entirely wrong with the engine, it shouldn't be overheating like this, but I think I've fixed it the best I can. it won't be a permanent fix,though, so you may very well break down again," I added apologetically. "urr...Roger, you can let go of my hair now...." the drummer hastily let go of my hair and stepped back, clearing his throat embarrassedly.

he was very attractive, all blonde messy hair, penetrating blue eyes and a gruff voice. the voice of a kickass drummer in a rock 'n' roll band.

I felt a bit bad having not had much familiarity with Queen prior, but from what I'd heard from A Night At The Opera, their music was damn good.

Roger's POV

the lovely Lady finished fixing Betty to the best she could and we were all very grateful for her help. it was lucky she was here, otherwise we'd be stranded in the middle of America.

"crew, huddle," Freddie demanded and the boys and I gathered into a small circle. I muttered a small
apology to The Lady as we huddled, leaving her standing patiently on the outskirts.

"I think we should bring her with us." he said plainly, to which John gasped and Brian cocked an eyebrow. "I mean think about it, we need her and by the looks of it, she needs us - she has some living to do."

when paraphrased like that, Freddie made a lot of sense and we nodded our heads in agreement. we broke from the huddle and turned to face The Lady.

"darling, how busy are you here?" Freddie asked.

"oh, very, sweeping up tumbleweed all day long and chasing the dust bunnies around is an hefty job," she replied.

I appreciated the way she conversationally used sarcasm, there was no cockiness in her tone and she delivered it well. I was beginning to like this Lady.

"fabulous! how would you like to tour America with us?"

she more or less fell over, I saw her bare knees buckle.

The Lady's POV


touring. with. Queen?? I wasn't at all familiar with their work, but I knew this was an opportunity and a half. I had to grasp this with both hands - actually leaving this dingy little place sounded unbelievably magical.

"please give me an hour or so to pack some things, then I'll be with you." I said, taking the record back from John's grasp. it was my dad's, I didn't want anything to happen to it.

"of course, of course, take as much time as you need, just kick the bus when you're ready to go." the curly-haired man said.

unlike Freddie, John and Roger, this man had not introduced himself formally yet.

as I jogged inside for the third time I heard Freddie shout: "Brian, have some respect for Betty! she's going through a hard time at the moment, cut her some slack, will you?"

Brian. I liked that name, it suited him a lot.

racing around the shop and pretty much launching myself over the kiosk, I pounded upstairs to pack up my limited belongings. I had no idea where we were going, how long for, who I was going with, or why I'd agreed to go. in retrospect, the whole thing seemed like the World's Worst Idea, but living here was miserable. it wasn't every day that a broken down bus bearing four attractive British musicians, who were also your late father's favourite band, turned up at the dingy rest stop you lived above.

Russ, my alcoholic, drug addicted, pervy landlord must've heard me clattering around because he came into my apartment without even knocking. "running away, are we?" he slurred. there was a stain on his frayed tank top and a clump in his matted beard.

"nope, I'm doing some living." I replied ambiguously, continuing to pack everything into my purple duffel bag in a frenzy.

"eh?" he grunted rudely, brandishing a bottle of wine bearing a label that I recognised as part of the stock in the shop downstairs.

"I'm going on a tour with a rock band I've listened to like, twice and i don't know when I'll be back. any questions?"

Russ scratched his beard, slowly processing what I'd just said. "well, I want my money before you go!"

"put it on my card, will you?" I stormed past him, heaving my bag. as I left, he slapped my arse and I swore at him before turning my back on him and going back outside either to meet my doom or my destiny.


it seemed that we waited ages until The Lady finally rapped on the door three times. Brian headed over to open it, and we piled back outside to greet her. "got everything?" John asked.

"does this massive bag tell you anything, John?" she said brazenly, putting the heavy duffel bag on the ground with a thud.

Freddie literally jumped with excitement, clearly happy to have another person to enjoy the fun with. "darling, welcome to the tour! you're going to have the time of your bloody life." he put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed her excitedly as she grinned broadly. i felt a small jab of jealousy that it wasn't my arm around her.

"one thing before we go though, you have to tell us your name." I added as we loaded her bag into the bus. damn it was heavy, what the hell was in here?

"Jennifer. Jennifer Harran."

it was from then on forth that I had a crush on Jennifer Harran.

ahh, sorry about the slightly shorter chapter - I'm hoping the previous chapter compensates for that slightly :)
enjoying the story so far? well, let me tell you m'dears, the fun has only just begun!

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