28 • Brian's Drink

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"no, I don't want to stop, I just need some time." I sighed. I put my arm over his shoulders and my head into the crook of his neck. after a moment, Roger brought his hand up and laced his fingers through my hair, gently massaging the roots. his other arm came around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

everything just felt natural and it wasn't long before I was in utter bliss, a feeling of calm washing over me as I lay more or less on top of Roger. he wasn't trying to make a move on me which made me feel safer than I ever had with a man.

the entire time we were laying there, thoughts were whirring through my mind at a hundred miles an hour. "Roger?" I raised my head to look him in the eyes about ten minutes later.


"I want to. but I can't." I lowered my head again, mainly out of shame that I was letting this man down. why couldn't my mind but work hand in hand with my body?

"oh...well, that's okay," Roger said, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. he lifted my chin up to lock eyes with him and I'd never seen such a sincere expression. his ocean blue eyes shone and his lips were slightly parted with concentration as he tried to read my face.

I took the opportunity and crashed my lips into his, kissing him roughly but momentarily, biting his bottom lip slightly as I pulled away. "that's not to say I won't ever be ready," I smiled cheekily, untangling myself from his embrace and walking over to the kitchen. "and look after that, Merry Christmas" I pointed to his jeans and he hastily covered himself with a cushion.

as much as I wanted to go further with Roger, my mind was telling me no. which was understandable because of my past, but that didn't stop me from getting annoyed at myself. the more I worked myself up about it, the more I'd feel abnormal and the more I'd feel too inadequate for Roger. that may be the case with some guys, but I knew Roger and he would never and had never made me feel anything less than loved. platonically and, as of about twenty minutes ago, romantically. to be fair, he'd been flirting with me for the past 2 weeks, it was only now that I'd decided I was ready to act upon it.

I was fine with kissing and stuff, but it was the bit that followed it that I was still unsteady about.


I never knew that woman could drive me so crazy. I'd always seen her as a gentle, tender, yet physically strong woman who had her head screwed on. but now I saw her as all of this, plus a helpless tease.

after those kisses, especially the last one, I craved the feeling of her lips on mine, my hands in her hair, our bodies intertwined. things had been good with Zara, but she'd never managed to make me this dazed and lustful with a small array of only kisses. Jenny's hands roamed no lower than my ribcage and still she had this effect on me.


a little while later, when we were driving to Brian and Chrissie's house for lunch, Jenny and I sat silently in the car until I felt a warm hand on my thigh. it moved up the inner seam line, but stopped before it got too close to anywhere. I wasn't sure if that was for personal reasons or to tease me, but it certainly did and I placed my hand over hers, bringing it back up to my knee.

I knew she was having trouble with preparing herself to go all the way, which I completely understood and I respected her boundaries, but if she was going to fill the gap by building the sexual tension between us in that time then I was in for a rough wait.

pulling in to Brian's driveway, we got out and went up to the front door. Being the polite gentleman I was, I knocked on the heavy wooden door and waited for an answer. usually I'd go straight in and to the kitchen to find a snack, but I knew everybody else would there with their partners and I did have some etiquette - believe it or not.

Chrissie came to the door, giving us a big smiley welcome as she ushered us inside, out of the cold. "Merry Christmas!" I cried, giving her a one-armed hug, holding a small Christmas cake and bottle of wine in the other hand that Jenny and I had picked up from the shop yesterday afternoon.

"and to you too, how was the tour?"

"it was brilliant, yeah, picked up an unexpected but very welcomed friend," I put an arm around Jenny's shoulders to introduce her to Chrissie. "Chrissie this is Jennifer Harran, Jen this is Chrissie, Brian's lovely wife."

once they'd made their acquaintances, we placed our shoes on the doormat and followed Chrissie into the dining room. Brian's large oak table was filled with crockery, glassware, bottles of wine and food. potatoes, chicken, gravy boats, stuffing - you name it; and it was there.

"Happy Christmas ladies," I said to Deaky, Freddie and Brian, picking up his glass and taking a large swig of the red substance.

"No! that's my drink!" Brian cried, trying to prise the glass out of my hands, but to no avail. why was he trying to stop me? usually he just rolled his eyes and let me get on with it.

it wasn't until I tasted the red drink that I realised what it was. "Bri, you fucking lightweight. does everybody else know that you're drinking cranberry juice?"

I said it plenty loud enough so that everybody could hear, and sure enough a large bout of laughter descended across the table following my comment. Chrissie was in absolute fits, clutching onto the back of Freddie's chair in an attempt to stay upright. Freddie wasn't much better, he had his head in his hands.

"piss off," was all Brian had to say, taking the glass from my hands with such force that the drink spilled over the rim and taking a sip himself.

"careful you don't spill that, it looks expensive." I continued, tormenting Brian for personal entertainment.

"if you don't shut up, you won't be getting stuffing," Brian threatened, taking yet another large gulp from the glass so that it was nearly empty.

everybody had just about recovered from their laughing fits when I set them all off again by saying, "go steady Bri, don't drink it all at once, it'll go straight to your head."

that was the final straw. Brian arose from his seat to yell at me, but instead crumpled into an uncontrollable sea of laughter as even he couldn't contain how humorous he found the situation.

"alright, you well and truly got me," he said between his stealthy laughs, draining the glass and placing it back down on the coaster. "but seriously, no stuffing for you now."

"hang on, what, no!" I ran behind him to the kitchen to try and guarantee myself some stuffing.

hi! I had so much fun writing this chapter, I hope you have fun reading it too :)

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