53 • Tracks

17 1 18

i allowed Jenny to sleep for a little while whilst I showered and sorted everything out ready for later. tiptoeing outside to my car, I folded the backseats down and laid a spare duvet cover in the boot, along with the cushions from the sofa. my guitar case was tucked in the back footwell, hopefully away from prying eyes (aka: Jenny's eyes).

when I'd finished setting up the car and had come back inside, the clock had almost struck 5:30 and I made the sharpish decision that we needed to get a wriggle on if I hoped to reach our desired destination at the idyllic time.

I gently shook Jenny awake and she rolled over, completely ignoring me at first. sighing, I persistently tried to wake her from her much needed nap, but with no success. in an attempt to bring her to consciousness, I planted small kisses on her cheeks and gently lifted her up out of bed, bridal style.

she really did weigh nothing and it was easy to hold her like this, looking like a sleeping angel. however, once she had noticed the surprising lack of bed, her eyes slowly drew open to the view of my face and being 4 foot off the ground.

"hi," I whispered, kissing her nose and setting her down on her feet. "we're going out in half an hour, reckon you can be ready in that time?" 

"hello handsome," she smiled lazily, taking in my outfit: my best jeans, a loosely tucked shirt and leather jacket. the top few buttons were undone, revealing my open chest. a smirk followed her comment and I watched her waltz into the bathroom.

just over half an hour later and we were trundling along in the car, cranking it up to the Beach Boys and weaving through the dusty, deserted country roads. to my satisfaction, the sky had morphed from a tanzanite blue to a misty grey: dusk was approaching.

"we always take my car cause it's never been beat," I sang slightly off-key as I guided the car round a blind corner with ease.

"and we've never missed yet with the girls we meet!" Jenny continued the lyrics with a beaming smile and my hand found her knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I really enjoyed earlier," she muttered and I had to turn the radio down in order to hear her.

"what was that, sorry?"

"I said, I really enjoyed earlier, Roger," she said again with more confidence and certainty. at a glance, I noticed that a pink tinge had adorned her cheeks and I knew that this meant a lot to her.

"me too, Jen. doing that with you will never grow tired." both of my hands gripped the wheel tightly and jolted the car into the side of the narrow road slightly, jostling Jenny and I. a pheasant had bolted into the road, causing my steering to go haywire in order to avoid it. that was a close call, had it been any darker and I possibly wouldn't have noticed it in time.

"oh, sorry..."

"look at the beautiful thing!" Jenny pressed her face against the window to try and catch another glimpse of the impressively extravagant male pheasant that had obstructed our path.

"I am." my voice sounded and Jenny swivelled round and caught sight of me looking at her. I'd stopped the car in a small, empty, bumpy car park and was now gazing into her eyes with concentration. "you know...this is a pretty quiet area..."

"roger, get those thoughts out of your head. where even are we? it's almost dark and you've parked us in a half arsed car park on the edge of the woods. is this where I die?" she pressed her face against the window, trying to decipher through the darkening trees and hedges.

"Jenny, relax, we're just stopped here so I can review the track," I pointed to an overgrown track winding up the woodland hills, which I would've driven straight up had it not been so engulfed in the underbrush. "wait here for a moment, I'll be right back, I promise," leaning my head forward, my lips came in contact with her briefly and I exited the car, heading towards the far end of the car park.

there were lamps in the back of the car, but I wished I had one on me now as the night seemed so much darker and surrounded my ominous woodlands. squinting to assess how drivable this place was, I came to the conclusion that it'd be doable as long as I trundled along and kept mental notes on where all the potholes were, as to not scrape my exhaust and swipe it clean off.

we crawled up the hill in silence, both hands on the steering wheel and leaning forwards in my seat to see where I was going. all I could say was thank bloody God for headlights. the narrow, deserted, winding track was more tedious than I expected and I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't know I was holding in when the headlights illuminated a small clearing.

by this time, the gloom of the night was fast approaching, so I needed to do this quickly. kicking the car into reverse, I took Jenny by surprise by jolting the car round abruptly so that the boot was facing the direction of the setting sun. the hill was steep and the peak had a perfect view of the tops of trees, whilst also being surrounded by them at this level. it was funny to think that we were in London and that all of this was half an hour away. nobody ventured here and for once in my life I was grateful for societies' close-mindedness.

"c'mon, out we get," I opened the passenger car door for Jenny to get out and brushed her lower back with my hand as she arose. she stood, turned around and smirked at me before giving me a kiss on the cheek and stepping further into the clearing to let me lock up the car doors. except I wasn't planning on locking the doors, I planned on grabbing my guitar case and cranking the boot open.

"...what?" Jenny glanced at the blankets and pillows arranged in the boot and gasped when she caught sight of the sunset and my acoustic guitar, which I had now clicked out of the case. "Roger..." she whispered, but I didn't respond and just sat in the back of the car, hoping that she'd follow suit. she did.

we sat comfortably in the boot of the car, peering out at the upcoming sunset. the sky was hazing to an orange tint and I put my arm around Jenny, pulling her closer and kissing her head before leaning forward and picking up my guitar.

sitting opposite from each other, both cross legged, I made sure that her view was of myself and the sunset behind me. closing my eyes and strumming my guitar once, I honed my attention in on the song.


hii! I'm afraid to say that the end is fast approaching and I cannot believe how long this story has gone on for, it's been great! this update has been later than previous chapters as I got my exam results yesterday and have been very occupied :)

now, before this story wraps up in the upcoming chapters, I'm thinking of releasing another fic called Faking It, is that something you'd be interested in? let me know! x

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