41 • Rage

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"any of your...what? how would I know?" I pretended to be mock-annoyed at Roger's 'accusation' which was 100% correct. but he did not need to know that. so far I was doing pretty well at not laughing, but I could hear the faintest of shuffles from the kitchen that I was sure weren't audible to Roger.

"well my underwear has gone missing. like, all of them."

"sure they're not all in the wash?"

"hang on...let me go check..." and with that, he turned back around to check his laundry bin, the towel still wrapped around his waist. as soon as he was out of earshot, suppressed giggles escaped my mouth, heaving from my chest. I could hear Freddie's deep hysteria, which only made my laughing worse.

however, I quickly painted on a poker face when Roger returned, looking confused and aggravated. "what the fuck!" he yelled, crashing back into the living room. "where the hell is my laundry?" he demanded to the air, waving his hands around.

"I just put a load in the washing machine, Roger." I said as if it was obvious. huh, as if.

"oh...guess I'll have to go without then..."

"that's fine by me," I raised my eyebrow cockily and he just chuckled before turning back around.

moments passed. yet more moments passed. I sat in silence, swirling my tongue over my teeth and thinking about the most un-funny things to stop myself from laughing. like accidentally drinking curdled milk, stepping in water in your socks unexpectedly and getting a hair tie stuck in your hair. especially my barrels of hair.

"WHAT THE FLYING FUCK!" Roger yelled through the house, his voice rumbling through the walls and shaking the floor. from the kitchen I could hear shuffling, which I presumed to be Freddie stuffing a tea towel in his mouth to stop from audibly cracking up into roars of laughter.

"what, what?!" I cried in mock alarm, still sitting on the sofa 'reading my magazine'. I had no idea what it was about.

"my entire fucking wardrobe has gone walkabouts...now, I wonder who could have a little something to do with that?" Roger stepped closer to me intimidatingly, his head cocked to the side with an irresistible smirk and he was still in his towel, making it difficult to be able to take him seriously.

"Roger, I've been sitting here drinking tea and reading this magazine the whole time." shaking my head, I tried to act as normal as possible. suddenly there was nothing remotely funny anymore as Roger's expression became more serious.

"I have to be in the recording studio in less than 20 minutes. if I cannot find my clothes, then I cannot record. and if I cannot record today, then-" he broke off.



today was a very important day. i'd finished Jenny's song and we were supposed to begin recording it today. but that was unlikely to happen if I didn't have any bloody clothes, which I knew Jenny was behind.

I had to hand it to her though, her acting was exceptional, not a trace of a smirk tugged at her lips and her eyes shone with innocence. it almost made me believe that she was being truthful and I was going mad. hang on....

"so tell me Jen, if you've been sitting here reading your magazine, how come you're on the same page as you were last night when I came in?" bingo. she faltered, I saw her lips quiver as she thought of what to say.

"well I was a little distracted last night, by you, in case you don't remember. therefore I didn't pay much focus to this page." damnit. that was smart. I still knew she was lying, though.

I stepped forward and towered over Jenny. I was beginning to get properly annoyed now, she knew I had places to be and she was still playing to naivety. peering into her empty cup, I placed the back of my fingers on it. cold. "your mug is cold...and clean."

"i finished it ages ago, you take decades to shower."

I picked up the cold and empty mug, scanning the rim. "no lipstick stain. and you are very evidently wearing lipstick Jen. where are my clothes?"

"I told you, I have no idea what happened to them." still, her face was straight and body relaxed. her acting was incredible, but I was angry. sure it was a funny joke to hide my clothes, but it was over now and I really needed to get to work at the studio. if only she knew it was for her own sake.

"I'm not fucking around, Jennifer!" I cried and banged my fist on the coffee table, causing the untouched mug to slide as the table shuddered.


God, he was very, very angry. and I was scared. but not because I didn't trust Roger not to hurt me, but because I didn't know whether to stand my ground or just cave.

then I remembered that this was supposed to be funny and snapped out of my Worst Case Scenario filled trance. I seemed to go there a lot.

"instead of yelling at me, why don't you go look for them? I'll help you. you start in the music room and I'll start in the kitchen." I said gently, raising to my feet and making my way to the kitchen. he thawed slightly and bounded off to his music room.

snapping the kitchen door shut, I chuckled as I passed the full freezer and yanked open the pantry doors. "shhhh," I put my finger to my lips and guided a mess of a Freddie out. he was doubled over with laughter, which made me start giggling almost uncontrollably too.

"god his anger is hilarious," Freddie wiped a tear away and leaned on the worktop.

"yeah...not at first. it is now I've thought about it, though...kind of sexy" I'd never been one to take other people's anger very well, especially when I knew I was guilty. I was glad Freddie was here to execute this plan with me, he reminded me of the humour of this little trick.

the kitchen door creaked open and Roger stepped into the kitchen, red faced and stern-looking. I couldn't lie, he looked pretty good: serious and half-dressed.

"Jen- FREDDIE?! when the fu-... where have you hidden my clothes you little shit!" Roger stepped towards Freddie, who scarpered.

Roger chased him around the kitchen, weaving between the breakfast bar stools and me, who was standing directly in the middle of the room. it was very comedic to watch, and the longer I did, the looser I could see Roger's towel becoming.


the towel came fully untucked and dropped to the floor. it took the boys a moment to realise and I was fairly sure Freddie only did because he tripped over the fallen 'garment.'

that was it, I was completely out. I literally fell to my knees laughing, clutching my chest as it forced heaves of hysteria out of me. I could feel the blood rushing to my face and my shrieks of laughter filling the room.

"well hello, Roger Jr," Freddie stopped and shamelessly stared Roger down. meanwhile Roger dived for the towel and hastily covered himself with it. colour arose on his cheeks, but for different reasons as to why I was as red as a tomato.

"Freddie, I want you to leave," Roger tucked the towel back around himself and pushed Freddie out of the room, towards the front door. "I'll see you at the studio later."

"JJ's a lucky lady," Freddie cried as the front door was slammed in his face with him on the other side.

I'd overcome my fit of hysteria and was able to talk and breathe between the small giggles. "Fred's not wrong," I said to Roger and winked, heading back to the kitchen with him in tow.

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