40 • Frozen

22 1 16


When I awoke the next morning, I felt startled and almost a little frightened at a stretch. last night had been...

he'd said 'I love you.' and I had said it back! and we'd... twice... oh my....

what if he didn't enjoy it? what if he wanted to break up with me now and kick me out of the house? I'd screwed it up big time with my lustful desires. here he was, the man I adored to pieces, sleeping  peacefully with his bare chest poking out of the sheets and one arm slung over my waist.

I admired him for a moment, appreciating every one of his features as he looked so peaceful. my gaze lowered to his chest and I wanted so badly to have my arm around it, holding him close to me, but I couldn't wake him.

hang on...

slowly, as to not startle Roger, I lifted she sheets and peeped under. yep, he was very much naked. and I was also very much naked.

I wanted clothes to cover myself up. I felt cold, small and vulnerable, even if I was more than happy for Roger to see me undressed. scrabbling to grab any form of coverage, I heard Roger stir beside me and the arm over my bare waist stiffen with the consciousness that waking up brought.

"morning," came Roger's gruff morning voice. I loved it when his voice sounded like that. "I love waking up next to you like this," he must've realised our lack of clothes and as much as I wanted to stop scrambling for some form of clothing, it was like my arm was on autopilot.

"Jen, what are you doing?" Roger sat up, revealing more of his chest. images flashed into my mind and I had to suppress a smirk. finally, I decided it was no use and simply covered myself with the duvet instead, bringing my knees closer to my stomach. "are you okay?" there was concern in his voice now as he shuffled closer to me and put one of his hands on my cheek.

"last night..." I began awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with him. "was that...I mean, did you-"

"Jennifer," Roger placed his thumb on my bottom lip, "last night was the best one I've had in a loooooong time. and I mean a long, long time. especially as it was with you."

wow, that man really did know how to make you melt. My grip on the duvet loosened and I wrapped both of my arms around his body, burying my head in his neck.

there were times where I was a strong, independent woman, which was most of the time. but there were also times where I needed somebody to be strong with me, and Roger was my Somebody. my Somebody to love.

"I really do love you Rog," I sighed into his neck, taking in the warmness of the duvet blocking out the cold January morning, the way his fingers threaded through my infinite locks of hair; and the connection I felt with him, knowing that he felt the same for me as I did him.

"I love you too," Roger kissed the top of my head and pulled away, making his way out of bed.

I couldn't help but laugh as Roger stood up and pretty much danced to the bathroom, seeking refuge of a warm shower as the cold air hit his exposed body. my laugh followed him all the way through to the bathroom.

just as I heard the door click shut, I had a magnificent idea! without hesitation, I bounded out of bed and threw on a warm jumper and jeans, ready to put my plan into action. one thing I was certain of was that I had plenty of time as Roger took ages in the bathroom in the morning.

I crossed the hallway and frantically dialled Freddie's number. "hello? Are you up?...marvellous. get your arse over here, we have work to do."


less than 10 minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I rushed to open it when I saw my guest walking up the drive as I didn't want Roger to know there was somebody else here.

"hi! come in and shhhh!" I put my finger to my lips, ushering him inside and signalling him to be quiet.

"what am I here for dear?" Freddie quizzed, greeting me with a hug and a peck on each cheek. he peered around in search of Roger.

"this way, you'll see," I led Freddie through to the bedroom and shut the door, locking it for good measure. in the time it had taken Freddie to get here, I'd made the bed and cleared the room of all discarded clothes from yesterday.

"right," I put my hands on my hips, resuming normal talking volume as Roger was now three doors and a hallway away. "the plan is, hide all of Roger's clothes. he went into the bathroom without any."

"why, exactly?" Freddie asked, beaming and giving me a well done look.

"I have no fucking idea. are you gunna help me or have I just locked you in Roger's bedroom for no reason?"

"alright, let's get cracking darling."

for the next 10 minutes, Freddie and I worked tirelessly to chuck all of Roger's clothes out of all drawers and wardrobes (including socks and dirty laundry). once they were all stacked on the bed, we set to work on finding a hiding place for them and decided that he would never find them in the....


"this is evil, JJ," Freddie laughed quietly as we compacted Roger's clothes into the drawers of the freezer. it had been empty since I first set foot in this house, just wasting electricity.

"I know," I smirked gleefully, stuffing some leather trousers into the bottom drawer. as I did, I couldn't help but think about how good Roger looked in them. putting every single garment Roger owned in the freezer in the middle of winter was not my original plan, but it made it better.

I looked up to give Freddie a devious grin, but one crept on his face before I got the chance to. "what?" I asked.

"what's that on your neck?" Freddie pointed to a spot on my neck and handed me one of Roger's jumpers. it took me a moment, but then I realised what Freddie meant.

"oh...nothing..." I continued to fold, attempting to cover the hickey with my hair.

"how was he?" Freddie asked conversationally and I nearly tipped backwards from his outwardness. I gave him a look, but the cheeky smirk didn't budge off his face.

"good. very good...oh fuck it! Freddie, he had me biting my lip to stop from screaming, does that answer your question?" I paused to turn to him and watched the glint in Freddie's eye.

"that's my boy," Freddie chuckled and handed me another t-shirt. I just shook my head and smiled to myself, pushing my glasses further up my nose.

somehow we'd managed to complete the task in 15 minutes flat, Freddie and I establishing a passing-and-folding system, making the whole operation so much more efficient.

simultaneously, I slammed the door of the freezer shut and the bathroom door creaked open. Freddie darted into the pantry cupboard as his designated hiding place. it was spacious enough for him and he could see everything. he could also come out of the kitchen, having pretended to grab a snack. it was a brilliant plan and all we had to do now was sit and wait.

I sat on the sofa with my magazine from last night and an empty mug. it didn't take long until we heard Roger's confused voice coming from the bedroom. from inside the kitchen I heard shuffling and knew Freddie was pissing himself laughing already.

"Jen?" Roger called through the house and I flicked the page of my magazine. yeah, like I was reading it!

"yes Roger?" I replied, trying to adopt as much of a usual and unsuspicious tone as possible.

"have you seen any of my socks and underwear?" Roger emerged in the doorway with a towel round his waist and a comical expression on his face. I could've done so many things in that moment. 1) burst out laughing, but that would blow my cover. 2) jumped on top of him, but Freddie was in the next room. 3) got my camera out.

instead I just gave him my best what-are-you-talking-about look, trying not to think about the top drawer of the freezer which now inhabited all of Roger's underwear.

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