44 • Bossy

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sorry but how is this chapter 44?!?! oki have fun reading that's all I wanted to say hehe

"don't expect me to sing for your poxy little song." Brian spat at me once he was let out and stormed off out of the studio. it was evident that he did not believe this was an accident.

guilt and dread battled for space in my blood, restricting the flow to my head as all of a sudden I felt very lightheaded. however, I fought this and followed Brian down the corridor, down the stairs and outside. I practically had to run to keep up as he took giant angry strides that made 2 of my steps for one of his. I called his name as I ran, but he didn't turn around even if he did hear me.

Finally catching up, feeling like I was about to keel over, I found Brian hunched over, sitting on the curb. "hey," I came and sat next to him, knee to knee. he moved away and continued sulking like a child.

sighing, I popped a cigarette out of the packet and lit up. "look Bri, I'm sorry. I genuinely didn't mean to. honestly. I really need you, please don't give up on this over a mistake. for me?" I know I sounded desperate and soppy but this seemed to thaw Brian's sourness. he sighed and turned his body round to face me.

"i'm not sure I trust that that was definitely an accident, but I can see that you must be desperate as you've gone into dweeb-mode. I'll sing for you, but I'm definitely not doing overtime for you again. now c'mere you prick," Brian cracked a smile and slung his arm around my shoulder. I knew he wouldn't let me down, that's not what brothers did.

I took a puff of my cigarette and blew it straight in Brian't face, causing him to cough and splutter. "enough of this girls-on-the-playground shit, you'll be wanting me to plait your hair and have matching friendship bracelets next."

"shut up. if there's anything you can do to make it up to me, you can buy me breakfast. I'm bloody starved," somehow he'd wangled (more like guilt tripped) his way into putting breakfast on me, so we took a walk down to the local Greggs and grabbed some food.

at the counter, the lady handed Brian the food in the little paper bags and when she gave me the two coffee cups, she made sure to brush her hands against mine, "the americano's on the house," she winked as I handed her the exact change and we turned to leave.

"so I get locked in a recording booth for 10 hours and you get hit on by a pretty lady," Brian huffed as we made our way back to the studio laden with calories in a bag.

"Brian, you have a wife, unless this is something you wanna talk about?"

"no! I'm happy with Chris, I promise! I'm just saying, how come you're always the one attracting women and I'm the third wheel?" he sounded almost sulky again.

"because, my lankiest friend, I am the epitome of sexiness and you are my pet poodle."

"oh wow, woopdedoo!" there was no enthusiasm in his voice whatsoever and I almost felt bad for him...except I didn't really. I always appreciated a bit of female attention, but I was 100% not actively seeking it. I had Jennifer and I loved her more than any random woman working in Greggs who took a fancy to me.


by the end of the day, the song was really coming together and I was pretty much bouncing on the spot out of excitement at how good it sounded. I was surprised how everybody kept to their word at actually doing as I asked.

"thanks for today lads, I'm hoping my niceness is a sign of gratitude." I'd tried not to get worked up when things didn't sound right as I didn't want to sound too much like I was taking advantage of having control.

"I'm sorry, what?" Brian asked in awe, eyes widening as he gave me the side eye. we were all standing outside in the little car park, the full moon illuminating our final conversation of the night.

"what?" I repeated, completely bewildered.

"where was Nice Roger today then, eh?"

"in the recording studio, with you lot," I said in confusion.

"shall we give you some examples of Nice Roger?" Freddie chirped with a laugh.

"I think we should, Fred." Brian crossed his arms and leant on my car.

"let's start with: 'when are you going to learn to play your fucking instruments properly', oh and my personal favourite, 'do you touch your wife with those useless hands John?' that one was very encouraging." Deaky started, looking at me judgementally.

okay so I'd gotten a little bit hot-headed just before we stopped for lunch. I actually forgot about those outbursts, maybe they'd just got dismissed amidst my excitement. "oh, right, sorry. next time just give me a whack on the arm and tell me to get my head out of my arse." I scuffed my shoe on the tarmac in embarrassment.

we'd said our goodbyes and in the car on the way home I thought about how I was going to present my song to Jenny. by the end of my journey I had formulated a perfect plan and couldn't wait to put it into action.

"Jenny, I'm home!"

sorry about the slightly shorter chapter, I promise the next chapters will be longer and more interesting :)

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