39 • Love

35 2 19

hi again :) just a pre-warning that this is basically a smut chapter. if you do not want to read this chapter then I can take it down or feel free to skip ahead where I'll do a brief recap of any key moments covered in this part

the rest of the day was stressful as hell, running everybody else through the basics of my song and by the time we were due to knock off at 8:30, we were all shattered. but oh so ready to make a masterpiece. no Bohemian Rhapsody, but a masterpiece nonetheless.

driving home in the pitch blackness, I had a permanent smile painted across my face. the burning words I love you still stampeded through my mind and I made the quick decision to tell Jennifer how I felt soon.

stumbling through the door, I kicked my shoes off and went through to the living room to see what Jennifer was up to. but she wasn't in there...odd. I tried the music room, kitchen and knocked on the bathroom door before concluding that she must be in the bedroom.

ever since that first night together, neither of us had slept alone since. and sure enough, when I opened the bedroom door I saw Jenny in her pyjamas sitting with one leg out straight and the other bent, reading a magazine. "hi Jen," I smiled and made my way into the room.

"Roger! how was your first day back!?" the smile that graced her face made my stomach do a weird sort of lurch.

"it was...brilliant," I recalled my drive there and the past 10 hours whipped through my mind in a flash.

"good to hear, Roger. well I know it's barely even half 9, but care to sit?" Jenny patted the space next to her and I so badly wanted to sit, but also so badly wanted to get out of my clothes: they felt hot and itchy after such an energetic day.

"urr, yeah...one moment," hesitantly, I pulled my jumper off and unbuckled my belt, about to clamber into the jogging bottoms lying on top of the laundry bin. I shook my jeans off and reached my hand out to snatch up the bottoms when I heard footsteps behind me.


I couldn't do it anymore. as I watched him undress, my desire grew stronger. "Roger..." I whispered and he turned around, his fluffy hair almost hitting me, he was that close.

we stared at one another shamelessly for what felt like a blissful forever before I spoke again, "I'm ready."

clocking immediately what I meant, Roger bounded forward and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me roughly. I reciprocated as we stumbled backwards, me landing on my back on the bed. "are you sure?" Roger whispered in my ear, nibbling it gently and trailing kisses down my neck.

"I've never been surer of anything," I sighed and ran my hands up into his hair.

ROGER's POV - [smut warning]

this was all the confirmation I needed before I began to unbutton her polka dot pyjama top and slide it gently down her shoulders, not wanting to hurt Jenny nor rip the garment.

"oh, come on Roger!" she laughed and quickly yanked off her pyjama shirt, exposing her bare chest and stomach. I admired her in awe for a moment, appreciating every curve of her body and imperfection on her skin. slowly, I reached out and put my hand to her bare waist, rubbing small circles with my thumb and making my way upwards at a gentle pace.

within moments, Jenny had pulled her trousers off too and threw her pyjamas on the floor. she was now stark naked and looking slightly worried. "you okay with this?" I asked again, just to make sure. if she'd had a change of heart, then that was fine.

"...yeah," she hesitated.

"we don't have to do this." I stood in front of her and gave her a look of concerned sincerity.

"no. I want to, I really do." there was so much conviction in her voice and she pulled me downwards towards her by my shoulders.

"Jenny, I think you're beautiful," I smiled into her mouth as she had brought my lips down to hers. I felt her mouth quiver into a smile and her hands explored my back as she kissed me hungrily.


I can't lie, I was nervous, my past seeping into my mind. however, it was soon locked out when Roger shifted his weight and he was on top of me on the bed, his knees next to my hips and hands just above my shoulders.

it was slow. I think Roger was mindful of my hesitation and so I decided to do something to tell him that I was 100% confident. in one move, I pulled Roger round so his head was on the far pillow and I was on top of him, my lips not leaving his. as I flipped us over, I heard a sigh escape Roger's lips.

I could feel him against me through his boxers and I broke off the kiss to grab the waistband and remove them. once they had joined my pyjamas on the floor, my eyes widened at what I was dealing with here.

I brought my head back up and Roger's lips found my neck, kissing it with urgency. with no intention to, a brief moan left my mouth and just as I was about to crumple in embarrassment, I realised that the sound spurred Roger on as his hands trailed hungrily over my back and in my hair, his lips still on my neck.

it all felt amazing to be in the arms of somebody, knowing that I was 100% safe and we were both in it for each other too. slowly, I raised my hips and aligned myself...

at first, it was slow and gentle, kisses raining down on me. but then, with a gasp, Roger flipped us over and he was getting deeper with each thrust, making me whimper.

soon a tingling, jittery sensation pumped through my body and I knew what was about to happen. "roger..." I sighed, and in one swoop, I reached my climax and became an incoherent mess. seeing me like this must have sparked something in Roger as after a few moments, he leant down and whispered: "switch?"

gaining the strength to do so, I nodded and brought myself round so that Roger was laying down again. his hands found my waist as I established a rhythm. within moments, he bucked his hips and low groans escaped Roger's lips too. he closed his eyes, savouring the feeling.



"Jenny?" I punctuated the comfortable silence as we lay under the bed covers, her head in the crook of my neck and bodies intertwined.

"what's up, Roger?"

"I love you."

silence. oh, shit.




"I love you too."

Jenny tilted her head up to look me in the eyes. taking in every one of her gorgeous features, I angled my head and kissed her softly on the lips, then her head and stroked her hair. we just laid together under the covers for a while, she was almost completely on top of me as I stroked her silky hair some more and held her close to me.

after a very much appreciated Round 2, we lay together in a loose hug and fell asleep. as I dozed off, I thought about our first night together merely 3 months ago in Toronto and smiled at where nature had taken us.

okay, nature and alcohol.

just thought I'd add that this is the 39th chapter hehehe. and also AHHHHHH i've never written smut before!! I hope it doesn't suck ahahaha - if you'd like this chapter taken down then that is fine, please let me know :)

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