34 • Storytime

23 1 8

"I kept getting shoulder pains when we were on the tour, but didn't think anything of it cause I just thought 'welp, welcome to being an elderly', ya know?

"but then last night I fell asleep at my desk and I woke up on the floor with a searing pain in my left shoulder. luckily Jen here was in hero-mode and called for an ambulance, who rushed me here.

"according to Jenny, my shoulder blades were uneven, which was cool. but anyway, I had an x-ray, you guys came and went and I was taken for a closed reduction.

"but the bloody doctors overdosed me on that conscious sedation stuff and my heart said nope, so my breathing shallowed and I had to be resuscitated which was super fun. then I got given some disgusting pity pudding, here you guys are and here I am, absolutely bloody knackered."

everybody stood in silence. Jenny looked like she was about to cry again. she put her arm around my left shoulder and played with my hair, twirling it around her finger. it felt amazing as my tired state melted into her.

Freddie exhaled loudly. "blimey. that's all I have to say. blimey."

"when can you come home?" Brian asked, perching at the very end of the bed.

"hopefully either tonight or tomorrow morning," Jenny answered for me. my eyelids were getting extremely heavy and I felt like they would to drop off if I were to force them open for much longer.

"I think Roger's tired," Deaky pointed out, looking in my direction. immediately after his comment, my head fell onto the pillow with Jenny's hand still under it and the world went black.


he was out like a light. poor chap had gone through a lot there. if he'd had told us about the shoulder pain, maybe we could've got it looked at. but it was classic Roger to persevere and pretend like nothing was wrong.

but look where that had landed him.

"someone should stay to take him home when he wakes up," Freddie said, picking up his coat to leave.

"that'll be me then," Brian sighed, jangling his car keys.

"oh Brian, how nice of you to offer," Freddie cooed sarcastically, clearly winding Brian up as he was left here with a lifeless Roger until he woke up. "run Deaks c'mon," Freddie ushered me out of the ward.

we said our goodbyes to Jenny, who also insisted on staying. "bye JJ, look after yourself, see you later," Freddie gave her a kiss on both cheeks as he always did and I gave her a one armed hug as I had my coat lumbered over my other arm.

and with that, we left.


"you alright Jenny?" Brian turned to me and asked once Freddie and John had left. I noticed she looked a little malnourished herself. it was hard to believe that all of this was happening in one day.

"urr...the bad news is...." she began and my heart sank. my intuition told me this would have something to do with Roger's drumming. "the doctors said Roger can't play for a minimum of two weeks..."

my heart sank. not for myself, but for Roger. of course he didn't know about this yet and I wanted him to never know, it'd break his heart. the debilitation he'd feel was almost too much for even me to bear.

"well...that's okay-" I started, although it clearly wasn't. "we'll just have to write and record as much as we can without him in that time." my compromise was announced with no real enthusiasm as even I doubted that happening.

it'd work fine, but after Roger's car song we didn't really trust him to independently write songs, even if that incident was two years ago now. plus, I knew Roger and was very aware that he would not take kindly to sitting around whilst the rest of us had fun in the recording studio. he loved recording most of the time.


I felt the brightness projecting onto my eyelids. the dull murmur of doctor and patient interactions. the whirring of machines. the absence of extra weight on the end of the bed.

I slowly peeled my eyelids open and sat up, propping the pillows behind me as I did so. it wasn't until I'd gotten comfortable sitting upright that I realised I'd hoisted myself up with the incorporation of my left arm too. silently praising myself, I peered around for any signs of Jenny or the band.

and then, as if they'd snapped their fingers and were there, Brian and Jenny appeared at my bedside with a glass of iced water and a comb.

"morning princess," Brian greeted, mocking the mess I was sure I was in. that might explain the purple wide toothed comb he was holding. "you look dreadful."

"yeah, thanks Bri," I muttered, my throat sore and voice croaky. if I could see myself in my mirror I was very certain I'd be utterly horrified. I took the comb and began to yank it through my hair. it got caught on the knots and tangles, causing pain to strike through my scalp.

"let me do it," Brian prised the comb out of my grasp and parted a lock of it, gently combing through it starting from the ends and working his way up to the roots. it felt quite nice actually. usually I either didn't bother or just gave it a quick once over with a brush.

"Roger Taylor?" a nurse cane into the ward and called. Jenny stuck hand in the air and said "we're over here!" to which the nurse came over to the bed

I could imagine we looked like a bunch of right charlie's: Brian combing my hair like kids in the playground and Jenny doing whatever she could find to do. at the time of the nurse approaching, she was straightening the clock on the wall above the little table.

"good afternoon Mr Taylor. or should I say good evening, it's 9pm."

"is it really? bloody hell, what a waste of a day," I laughed, suddenly itching to go home. the nurse chuckled too and told me that I could go home! I could finally leave! it felt like I'd been here for centuries, not just the day.

hello! I'm sort-of back.... I've written some stuff but before I can carry on I need to know whether or not anybody would like to have a small smut chapter. I'm generally opposed to writing smut but will awkwardly deliver if that's something y'all want :)

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