13 • Arrival

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the rest of the journey to Toronto was spent sorting things out for Jennifer. we'd managed to fit everything that could be set up in the bus from her bag: toiletries, food, any excess bedding she'd brought. and yes, she had brought some of her own bedding, her pillow, dressing gown and crocheted blanket. an odd array, but I didn't judge.

a makeshift bed was made out of the sofa-ish-thing lining the back of the bus, where we'd used the blanket as a throw, placed the pillow at the end and nabbed a duvet from Reid's bed. we'd have to buy a new one for either her or Reid once we'd arrived in Toronto, but it was fine.

we also discussed further arrangements and got to know each other a little better - Jennifer seemed a genuinely down to earth person, who shared plenty in common with all of us and treated us with indifference. I quickly grew accustomed to her wit and excellent sense of humour.

when we were nearing the end of the journey, I sat on the makeshift bed with Jennifer whilst John and Freddie sat up the front of the bus to keep Brian company.

"I'm glad you came," I smiled. one was reciprocated as she smiled and lay a little bit closer to me. "so what did your dad say when you told him you were touring with Britain's number 1 rock band?" I laughed, laying an arm over the back of the seat.

Jennifer visibly tensed up and I knew something was up. "um... please don't tell the others, but my dad passed away last year." she hung her head and fiddled with her hands in her lap. she sniffled and I moved my arm so that it was around her.

for now I'd have to consciously ignore my feelings for this woman and embrace her in a supportive way that she needed. "i'm sorry," I muttered as her head was pressed into my shoulder, emitting another loud sniffle. I wasn't convinced that she was crying, but I knew she was in desperate need of support, patience and a good hug. I couldn't imagine she had anybody at home to give her the support she needed.

"he was just such a spectacular man. he died 8 months after A Night At The Opera was released. he loved it, so I kept it."

okay, that explained things a lot. i felt very bad for Jennifer, she was innocent, but a bad thing had happened to her - why did life have to be like this?

"well, now you're living his dream!" I smiled and I felt her relax in my arms. slowly, she lifted her head and removed herself gently from the embrace.

"i s'pose I am. sorry for getting all emotional when you've known me for like less than three hours." she sniffed again, fluffing her endless hair; regaining composure.

"don't worry about it," I waved a dismissive hand, "when spending extensive amounts of time with Freddie and Brian, you become accustomed to the theatrics. not that that was 'the theatrics', but you know what I mean." at least, I hoped she knew what I meant. i didn't mean what I'd just said in a hostile way. luckily, she seemed to cotton on to what I was trying to say.

"no, I get it, thank you, Roger." a genuine smile. a smile that made those eyes shine, a smile that revealed a perfect set of teeth, a smile that lit up her entire face - a smile like the sun peeping out from behind the clouds. i just wanted to engulf her in affection, everything about Jennifer so far had been perfect.

what I did find odd was the difference between Jennifer and Zara. if Zara had done that, I'd've gone all jelly and weird, not knowing how to handle an emotional, still-grieving-but-not-crying woman in my arms. whereas Jennifer was utterly different. my condolences came naturally, and I didn't feel that my support was forced or awkward whatsoever. what did that mean?


finally we screeched to a halt outside some venue in the dark. according to what Freddie told me Brian had spoken to Reid about, the hotel was only a little way down, so we all headed down there. I had a much needed smoke on the way there.

the night was silent and I felt a bit bummed that I couldn't appreciate Toronto in the dark like this. "Brian?" I broke the silence as we walked.

"what, Rog?"

"do you want to walk any louder in those fucking clogs?" I asked neutrally. I could hear Jennifer and Freddie stifling laughs and I could feel Brian rolling his eyes.

"don't roll your eyes at me," I retorted

"how did you know I was rolling my eyes at you?"

"we've been mates for nearly a decade now, I can just feel when you're mad at me."

"Roger, I'm not mad, I'm disappointed."

"I think you've not only let yourself down, but you've let the band down," all four of us recited Brian's most frequently used words, even Jennifer chipped in - who had obviously heard the saying prior to now. the way she cottoned on to things so quickly made me really admire her.

there was something more than just the despairing loss of her father and immediate click with the band that I liked about her, though. something I hadn't felt for over three years, when I first met Zara...

we made it to the hotel and met Reid and Paul in the café. I liked it, it must be lovely and bright and welcoming with the morning sunshine pouring in. "evening, lads." I said, clapping them both on the back in greeting.

Paul and Reid both said their hellos, Reid looking decidedly more tense than when we had last left him. poor chap, having to grin and bear Paul all day.

Paul caught sight of Jennifer and tutted at her. he actually tutted at her. I mean c'mon: how rude is that?! "urrr, Roger...are your - ahem - conquests allowed on tour?" his patronising tone of voice made my blood boil.

"i don't know Paul, you are." the band laughed and Paul turned red. I secretly congratulated myself on that comment, evidently catching him by surprise and thus shutting him up. "besides, don't jump to such conclusions, I'll have you know Miss Harran here is an excellent mechanic, who'll be looking after Betty in case she breaks down again."

"again?" Reid chipped in.

"yes, again, John," Brian shook his head. "we broke down at a rest stop on Route 402, roundabout London, was it Deaky?"

"yes, London. God, it feels weird saying 'London' and not meaning home." Deaky both confirmed and declared. everybody nodded in agreement. although I knew how much everybody loved touring, we were also missing the lives that we'd built at home. well, most of us.

John had his family, Freddie and Paul probably couldn't wait to sort out whatever it was that was between them and Brian most definitely missed Chrissie. aka: the newlyweds.

what did I have to miss?

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