50 • Brunch

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the corner in which our table was situated in brought an air of homeliness. the sturdy oak table was pushed against a wall with a beautiful view of the rolling hills surrounding the restaurant. flowered curtains adorned the window and it was as if we'd left London altogether, alternatively, it seemed like we were in our own little utopia. a single rose sat glowing scarlet under the golden lighting of the restaurant.

"i'm thinking maybe this isn't the best place for humour," Jenny pursed her lips as a waiter approached us. he had a thin moustache and sleek hair.

"here are some menus. I will be back to take your drinks orders in a moment." he nodded curtly and walked away, arms behind his back and walking with his back straight.

"it must be painful having to have your head shoved that far up your own arse for a living," I sighed, noticing how much I slouched. it was all those hours in the recording studio, sat behind the panel and tweaking our progress.

"yeah but they must get a good bit of nosh for it."

"nosh? bloody hell, you're really latching on with our sloppy language, aren't you?"

Jenny nodded proudly. albeit, she didn't sound like a true Brit as the word nosh came out as "narsh" due to her accent, but I had to give the girl credit for her efforts.

about 20 minutes later and we were both admiring our plates full of food. the sun had fully risen and cast an extra glow into the restaurant. my plate had a gold rim and elegant flowers painted on it; the world's fanciest egg benedict sat in the middle of it. Jenny's plate was blue with intricate Celtic designs surrounding it, avocado and egg on toast planted in the middle.

Suddenly I found myself very glad that we had a quiet spot for more than one reason: privacy and so that only Jenny had to see my sloppy attempts at having any dignity whatsoever. all through the meal we were silent, both of us enjoying our food too much to speak. we stole cheery glances at each other but our minds were very much immersed in our dishes. well, mine was also contemplating how much all this would be costing me.

"i'm stuffed," I announced, peering at our empty plates. man, that woman could eat.

"i have no idea what that word means, but I probably am too."

I pushed my plate to one side and Jenny followed suit, stacking them on top of each other. "Jennifer," leaning across the table, I took her hands in mine and stroked the back of them with my thumb. "please know that I would never, ever do anything to hurt you. I know I sound desperate and unlike me but that's because I love you." I couldn't believe how soppy I sounded. as true as it was, I could've retched at myself. when people act like this in movies, it makes me want to turn it off. never did I imagine that I'd be a similar to somebody who is paid to act so cushily.

"I love you, too." she whispered into my eyes. they shone brighter than they ever did and simultaneously, we leaned across the table until our lips met. of course, that's when the waiter decided it would be a good idea to check up on us.

"resume later," I rasped out of the corner of my mouth and Jenny gave my hand a gentle squeeze to let me know she'd heard.

"how were your meals, sir, madam?" he asked, voice sounding more upper-class than ever. I couldn't pass up an opportunity for some fun before we left now, could I?

"oh, yes, they were simply splendid. and thank you for your hospitality in this grand establishment." I put on the most fake, dramatised, stereotypical British accent I could possibly muster. the waiter gave me a filthy look out of the corner of his chestnut eyes and I physically bit down hard on my tongue to repress a laugh.

"i shall come over with your bill," he said reprovingly, taking our dishes and sauntering off from our corner again, this time will his head held high.

"you dork!" Jenny quietly squealed and buried her face in her hands, trying to quieten her hysteria from disturbing other customers.

"welllll, he shouldn't have interrupted us, I was enjoying that."

a rosey colour arose in Jenny's cheeks and I smiled warmly at her. from under the table, I felt something brush against my leg and it took me a moment to realise that it was Jenny's foot. a cocky smirk replaced her blushes and I knew I had the old Jennifer back. the Jennifer I knew and loved to pieces.

almost 50 quid later and we were back in the car. "thank you for breakfast Roger, or shall I say brunch." she had a point, it was almost midday by the time we'd left. I'd hidden the bill from her, but I could tell she still felt guilty about the (unknown to her) extortionate price. still, it was worth every penny. for her.

"where would you like to go now, darling?" I asked once we were strapped in the car and ready to go.

"urrr, surprise me!"

"loosely translates to: 'i have no idea just drive.'"

"you know me so well," her defined cheekbones raised as another smile came to her face. I couldn't believe how much her mood had changed since early this morning and I felt exceptionally proud that I was the one who had helped brighten her mood.

in all honesty, I had absolutely no clue where to go. I had a plan for this evening, but that was hours away as yet so it looked like we had a free sunday afternoon.

"how about we go lazing on a Sunday afternoon?" I chipped the idea and Jenny just smiled and nodded, understanding that I didn't have a dickybird as to what we could do either.

so I drove us back to mine and left my guitar in the back of the car for later.

HOW HOW HOW IS THIS CHAPTER 50?!?! this story has lasted so much longer than I had anticipated, but I've enjoyed writing it so much!
however, I'm thinking of perhaps just leaving it as it is, unfinished. if you'd like me to continue writing, I'd always be more than happy to as I equally do not want to leave a project unfinished...let me know :)

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