Chapter 44

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It wasn't like an orgasm made Agnes an entirely new person. It was like the experience would turn her brain off and turn it back on again.

Suddenly, prioritizing was simple and getting through a multitude of different tasks didn't seem like the world was collapsing in on her. James persisted that if she would just take some time for herself that this wouldn't happen at all, but, to be completely honest, Agnes didn't actually know how to do that. Her head spun no matter what she was doing. She didn't know how to turn it off, but with one caveat: her brain couldn't focus on much else in the middle of a climax. It wouldn't have been a problem, but dating with children felt impossible to her. Luckily, that night, she had gotten two. She woke up to her alarm after only a few hours of sleep. She stirred James and then climbed into the shower. He joined her, but there was nothing exciting about it. She was brushing her teeth and he could tell her mind was already churning. It was ironing out details that yesterday seemed impossible for her to find. She was Agnes all over again.

She kissed him goodbye in the kitchen over their coffees. "Thank you again." She said.

A sly smile slid onto his face. "I do what I can."

She smiled and shook her head at him as she sipped her coffee and then made her way to work. She was leaving extremely early. Larry was late because he had to drive the kids back to Nile for school and then get himself back to Paxon. By the time he arrived, Agnes was steam rolling the office. She held a fifteen-minute morning meeting telling everyone that had a meeting scheduled with her to send her a breakdown. She ended that meeting on a solid note that Larry happened to walk in for...

"Also, if you've been here for more than 2 years and you just need me to back your decision... just make the decision, you've been here this long for a reason and you already know my answer." She paused and everyone stared at her. "Alright. Everyone let's get this office moving so we can get out of here and lie to our kids about where these presents are coming from." Everyone laughed and departed.

"You seem chipper." Larry said, a knowing look dancing across his face.

She squinted at him and immediately changed the subject. "Did my monsters behave for you?"

"You know they did." He paused. "I think they were shocked that I actually made them set up a tent in my living room." He relived it momentarily. "They thought that was kind of great."

Agnes smiled at him. "I'm honestly not sure what I'd do without you."
"While you won't believe it Miss Aggie, I say the same thing sometimes."

They smiled and made prolonged eye contact that Agnes wasn't expecting.

"May I hug you?" She gave him a mocking smile. The same question that had spiraled this new level to their friendship.

"How dare you, Miss Aggie... How dare you ask."

She smiled genuinely and wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm so happy life brought us together." She said as she soaked in the pressure from his hug and the love that flowed through it. There was a long meaningful silence in their hug and neither was so intent on breaking it, until finally Time came to get them.

"Me too." He said quietly into her ear. She released her hold and sat back on a table as she pulled up her laptop and started skimming emails that pertained to her.

"I see you added three meetings to my calendar so I'm going to get rolling."

"Hey, Larry." She said without looking at him.

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