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Chapter two
"First day back."

It had been one week since New Years eve and they were finally back at school as Tory and Troy got off the school bus her cheer team and his basketball team were waiting for them along with their best friend Chad although many people who just knew them by name began to bombard them "Troy! How you doing man?" a boy asked shaking hands with her brother "Tory, love the shoes!" a girl told her as Tory furrowed her brows "thanks." she told whoever it was and turned to one of her cheer friends "remind me to never where these shoes again." she told her making her laugh.

"Hey, guys, happy new year!" Troy told them "yeah! It's a happy wildcat new year! You're the man! Because in two weeks we're going to the championships with you leading us to infinity and beyond." Chad shared handing Troy his ball "what team!" Tory yelled "wildcats!" everyone yelled "what team!" Tory yelled again as Chad joined her "wildcats!"they all yelled cheering as they headed inside in which Chad pulled Tory towards him "so word is east high wildcats won cheer competition again?" he asked as Tory smirked "you know it! Those east high knights still think they can beat us every year and get shown up again, every year." she shared as her cheer squad laughed.

Walking in though, Sharpay Evans walked through them holding her hands up and making them clear a path as the guys mocked her the girls rolled their eyes "the ice princess has returned from the North Pole." Zeke pointed out "you know what, she probably spent the holidays the way she always does." Chad began "oh, how's that?' Troy asked "by shopping for mirrors obviously." Tory shared making all of them laugh as they headed off to homeroom.

Sitting in homeroom Troy and the guys were talking as Tory talked to the cheerleaders although when Tory's friends started talking to themselves, Tory leaned over to look past Zeke and sneak a look at Chad while her brother wasn't looking but what she didn't expect was for Chad to be doing the same thing as both their eyes went wide as they quickly leaned back forward right as the bell rang "I trust you all had splendid holidays. Check the sign up sheets in the lobby for new activities." Mrs Darbus began as everyone except Torys brother had taken their seats "Mr Bolton. Especially our winter musicale. We will have singles auditions.." Mrs Darbus continued as Tory's friend tapped her on the shoulder.

"Is your brother okay?" she asked as Tory furrowed her brows seeing he was acting weirder then usual Troy "yeah, he's totally fine. I think." she shared making her friends laugh "Mr Danforth, this is a place of learning, not a hockey arena. And Miss Bolton this isn't some comedy club either." Mrs Darbus pointed out as Chad turned around looking at Tory who shrugged "there is also a final sign up for next weeks scholastic decathlon competition. Chem club president Taylor Mckessie can answer all of your questions about that." Mrs Darbus shared.

As Taylor raised her hand, Tory coughed "nerd alert." she shared, coughing again as everybody laughed in which her and Chad did their handshake they've done since pre k as someones phone started to ring "ah, the cell phone menace has returned to our crucible of learning. Sharpay and Ryan cell phones. And I will see you in detention. We have zero tolerance for cell phone in class, so we will get to know each other in detention. Cell phone. And welcome to East high Miss Montez." Mrs Darbus shared as Tory turned around noticing the new girl who was dressed like some weird librarian "speaking of nerd alert." she whispered to her friends making them laugh once more.

"Mr Bolton I see your phone is involved. So we will see you in detention as well." Mrs Darbus shared "what!" Tory yelled "no, no, no. That's not even a possibility, Miss Darbus. Your honor, see cause we have basketball practice and Troy.." Chad tried to explain "ah, that will be fifteen minutes for you, too, Mr Danforth. Count em." Mrs Darbus told him as Tory's eyes went wide "no!" she yelled as Mrs Darbus looked to her making her laugh "well, you see..my cheer team can't exactly cheer when my dad will be yelling at me about where my brother is or where Chad is and then there goes my practice and then my team..." she was explaining.

"Ah, I see detention runs in the Bolton family today, fifteen minutes for you as well, Ms Bolton, which you and Mr Bolton can maybe stick your heads together and count those hours together." Mrs Darbus informed them "that could be tough for both of them since neither of them could count that high." Taylor whispered as Tory heard her "hey!" she yelled, turning around "Taylor Mckessie fifteen minutes." Mrs Darbus shared.

As Taylor gasped making Tory laugh "shall the carnage continue? Holiday's are over, people. Way over! Now, any more comment, questions?" Mrs Darbus asked as Jason raised his hand "Jason." Mrs Darbus called out as Tory's eyes went wide "here he goes." she told Chad "so, how were your holidays, Mrs Darbus?" he asked, making everyone groan "what?" Jason asked as Tory turned to him "you're lucky, you can play basketball that's what." she shared as the bell rang for homeroom to be over in which Chad looked to Tory as the two got up and walked out together to their next class.

"See you in detention." Chad told her brother who was waiting outside "yeah, thank you. Luckily Im dad's favorite so I won't get my head chewed off unlike you two when he comes to track us down in which while Im gone my team will be doing warm ups." Tory shared walking off not even waiting for her brothers response as Chad soon followed her "you know, you really didn't need to try and back me up in there." he shared as Tory scoffed "of course, I would were best friends. You guys go down, I go too. You know, no man left behind." she shared.

In which Chad laughed "yeah, totally. Not like, we like each other or anything." he shared as Tory laughed as well "no. Pal." she told him, punching him in the arm as the two started staring into each others eyes, they quickly soon realized what was happening and pretended to cough as they looked away from each other "um, science?" Chad asked, motioning with his hand in the direction the two needed to go "yep." Tory told him turning around and walking off as Chad followed her.

Best friends sister, Chad DanfourthWhere stories live. Discover now