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Chapter ten
"Game day."

The day had finally arrived where it was not only the biggest game of the season but also callback day and the Scholastic decathlon, where Tory in her cheer uniform and the guys in there east high wildcat sweatsuits all walked into home room, quietly finding Gabriella and Taylor, in which Chad put the chair down in which Troy and Tory covered the girls eyes and as Zeke put the pie down, they removed their hands "a pi pie." Zeke told them as Taylor and Gabriella gasped "oh, my gosh!" they voiced, standing up.

"Oh, we have something for you, too." Taylor told them "yeah, come here look." Gabriella added on "please, let it not be math." Tory told them as Troy and Chad chuckled bringing her with them and when they went up to the whiteboard it was exactly that "ta da!" the girls told them in which Tory felt a bit light headed and fell back as Troy and Chad caught her "oh, it's an equation." Troy shared but then Gabriella and someone else flipped the board where there was a picture of a wildcat in a basketball uniform which said go wildcat hoopsters "oh!" the guys all cheered, then they began throwing basketballs at them.

"No!" Tory squealed holding her hands up in defense as Chad then moved in front of her to protect her making her laugh as they all began throwing them back, in which Troy and the guys went running out while Chad and Tory went up to Ryan and Sharpay leading them to the door "stay right there. Watch." Chad told them, running over to the guys as Tory passed miss Darbus on the way "from our team, to yours." Chad told them as the guys unzipped their jackets "g o d r a m a m a c l u b." they said as Troy opened his "exclamation point." he told them as Tory then cartwheeled in landing into a split as she held her hands up giving jazz hands "well, seems we Wildcats are in for an interesting afternoon." Miss Darbus shared, turning into the homeroom as the others ran off to their spots, Tory and Chad along with the others began heading back into home room.

But soon school was over and the last bell rang and chaos began emerging from the halls of East High from screaming fans with signs to drummers in the gymnasium where Tory and her cheer team were cheering along to the beat and doing a little performance while the West high knights were warming up on the court.

And soon the guys came running out as Tory and the girls stood near the locker room waving their pom poms, the mascot ran through first and then Troy, Chad and the others all grabbing basketballs and shooting them into the baskets for a little warm up.

Doing their handshake the guys were soon ready to go as the crowd cheered Troy, Chad and the others got on the court and began shaking hands with the other team "go. Go! Go Wildcats We got the wildcat's in the house!" Tory and the girls cheered and when the ball was ticked off Troy was the first to get it "yes!" Tory cheered as did her team. Time had passed on they were tied with West high eight to eight but soon the board malfunctioned where the score wasn't visible and the alarm began buzzing in which they all stopped "we seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties. Uh.." the announcer told them as the whistle was blown by the ref.

"We got a time out on the court here. The referee has signaled time out." the announcer shared and Chad then looked to Tory who nodded as Chad then turned walking up to Troy patting him on the shoulder in which Troy patted him back and then went running out of the gym "everyone please remain calm." the announcer told them all as Tory dropped her pom poms and ran up to Chad "my dads gonna hate us." she shared as Chad nodded "I know. Come on." he told her as the two walked up tot he rest of the team "Im sure we'll get this figured out real soon. In the mean time per safety regulations we need to make an orderly exit from the gym, please." the principle told them.

In which Tory and Chad along with the others quickly turned around and began speed walking out of the gym to make it Troy and Gabriellas performance, making it to the auditorium everyone was filing in and talking as Chad had found the row he wanted them all to sit in, he let all his teammates pass him and didn't sit down till Tory arrived next to him again "were you waiting for me or something?" Tory asked him as Chad chuckled "what? Me? Wait for you? Pfft, why would I.." he was telling her as Tory sat down in her seat in which Chad then did the same and soon everyone quieted down as the piano started, looking up at Troy and Gabriella but Gabriella wouldn't sing as Troy walked up to her.

Best friends sister, Chad DanfourthWhere stories live. Discover now