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Chapter four

After school, Tory had texted her cheer squad that she would be there when she can but for right now while she's gone to work on warm ups and be prepared for when she arrives which was when Chad and Troy walked up behind her and picked her up by the arms as she continued texting her team "you remember the whole reason we're in here is cause of cell phones right?" Troy asked her as Tory rolled her eyes "and you do remember that I am the one who leads my team, right? There's no dad to tell everyone what to do while Im gone." she shared as Chad shrugged, putting her down near a tree "she's not wrong." he informed him.

As Tory sent her last message for right now and put her phone away "so, what are we doing exactly?" she asked "gold! More gold!" Mrs Darbus yelled as Tory turned around seeing a bunch of costumes as Chad picked up two paint cans handing one to Tory as he took the other he spun her towards the tree as Troy climbed up the ladder with fake leaves as Mrs Darbus then walked over, Chad and Tory began panting the tree as Mrs Darbus then turned around walking towards the new girl "paint, paint! Let's go!" she yelled.

In which Tory looked to Chad "with her yelling and forcing us to do this. We can consider this manual labor." she whispered making him laugh "Troy make sure you don't staple your hand." she informed him as she looked up in which Chad headed inside the tree "but the drama club can always use an extra hand. And while we are working, let us probe the mounting evil of cell phones." Mrs Darbus shared as Chad stuck his head out through the tree, scaring Tory as he reached his hand out making her jump which made Troy and Chad laugh as she rolled her eyes, and pushed Chad's head back in.

And as Mrs Darbus continued on Chad had fallen asleep as Troy brought a leaf down to him, Tory was texting her team letting them know she was on her way as she quickly spun around to hide behind the tree "perhaps the most heinous example of cell phone abuse is ringing in the theatre. What temerity! The theater is a temple of art." Mrs Darbus shared as Tory got down on her hands and knees and began crawling across the stage "a precious cornucopia of creative energy." Mrs Darbus shared and when Tory turned her head and looked through a prop she saw her and Troys dad walking in as her eyes went wide and picked up her pace.

"Where's my team and my daughter, Darbus?" their dad asked as he then noticed Troy and Chad as Tory had finally made it off the stage "what the heck are those two doing in a tree?" their dad asked as Tory chuckled seeing Troy and Chad's confused faces of seeing no Tory "it's called crime and punishment, Bolton. Besides, proximity to the arts is cleansing for the soul." Mrs Darbus shared "can we have a talk, please?" their dad asked Darbus as he looked to Troy and Chad "And you two find Tory, and get to the gym, now!" their dad told them as Tory's eyes went wide as she turned around and ran off.

Making it to the gym, Tory jogged in dressed for practice with a smile on her face as Chad and Troy looked at her from across the way "how did she.." Chad went to ask as Troy quickly rolled his eyes "she was already sneaking out before our dad even showed up." he realized, as he dragged Chad off towards the guys leaving the cheerleaders behind "sorry, Im late, Mrs Darbus can be a pain. But we are not gonna let her take us down! We will cheer for our boys with the same energy we do, everyday! Where we will show those west high knight cheerleading wannabes that they will never ever be as good as us! Cause we are strong fierce cats from the jungle and we will not let anyone step on us!" she yelled, walking in front of everyone as they stood in a line after practice.

"Now, what team!" she yelled "wildcats!" all the girls yelled back "I said what team!" Tory yelled again "wildcats!" they all yelled "what team!" Tory yelled "wildcats!" everyone yelled again "wildcats!" Tory yelled putting her hand in "gotcha your head in the game!" the girls yelled putting there hands in as they then separated.

Going outside though standing on the cement steps in their wildcat colors, Tory had them practicing a cheer "boom, boom, we got the wildcats in the house! Boom, boom, we got that wildcat, hear them growl! Boom, boom, we got the wildcats in the house! Boom, boom we got that wildcat, hear them growl!" they all said together although Taylor walked up to them all with the new girl behind her "oh my gosh! Isn't Troy Bolton just hottie super bum?" she asked as all the girls giggled, Tory grimaced "ew, he's my brother. And do you mind we're getting in some extra practice time after that detention stunt this afternoon. bye bye now." she told her waving her off.

In which when they walked off Tory clapped her hands "and a five, six, seven, eight!" she yelled as they got back into formation moving their arms up in the air, and their hips side to side, they moved one leg up as they turned there bodies to the side doing a body roll as they moved there arms out although Tory could swear, Taylor was talking about her brother in a bad light as she looked behind her watching her talk to the new girl in which the two laughed walking off as Tory shook her head getting back to practice.

Best friends sister, Chad DanfourthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ