Meeting.- Chapter Five

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It felt like we looked at each other forever. Like time just stopped. The next thing I knew I was being hugged tightly. "You look so beautiful, and nervous." He mumbled against my hair. I blushed and hugged him back. "I'm still nervous." I mumble against his shoulder. "Well at least we don't have just text." He smiled as we pulled away and rubbed my hand with his thumb. I blushed lightly as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. Hearing a flash, we pulled away. "Awh look at the cute couple." Nash cooed. "Shut up Nash." Hayes grumbled. Hayes grabbed my hand and took me into the living room and sat us down on the couch. Our hands were still intertwined and I blushed. "Alright I don't care that you two are dating, but nothing inappropriate in this house." Cameron spoke sternly. I rolled my eyes. "We're only 16 Cam, none of that will be happening." Hayes says laughing lightly, embarrassed. "I know, just don't want her getting hurt, ya know?" Cameron sighs sitting next to me. "I know how you feel, I wouldn't want Skylynn having a boyfriend." Hayes says leaning his head back on the couch. "I don't even wanna think about her ever having one." "Sorry to butt in, but where's the bathroom again?" I blush. "Really? How many times you been here?" Cameron chuckles. "Hey, I've only been her about a billion times." I say proudly, chuckling. "Upstairs on the left, first door."

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