Make-Up.- Chapter Nine

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•Sophia's P.O.V•

I awoken with a soft knock on my door, and it opening, as Nash and Cam are standing there. "Hey sis." Cam says softly, sitting on my bed along with Nash. "Hi." I whisper. "We heard what happened last night." Nash says sadly. I swallow hard and feel tears coming again. "No don't cry, please don't cry." Cam soothes as sobs rock my body.

•Hayes' P.O.V•

I'm in my car in front of her house. I've been sitting out here for a while now, debating if I should go in or not. I get out and run my hands through my wet hair, and walking inside and I to the living room. "Where's everybody at?" I ask Angie, and she points upstairs. I jog up the stairs and see her bedroom doors open. Coming into view I see Cam and Nash comforting her sobbing figure. "No don't cry, please don't cry." Cam whispers, "He didn't mean it, he's just frustrated," Nash says, rubbing her back. "I- I mean I t- thought he wanted that. H- he said he'd n- never hurt me." She whimpered as she cried. "I- I am hurt. M- my heart hurts so- so much," She sobs. I feel tears streaming down my face and I wipe them away, clearing my throat. "I think I can take it from here," Cam and Nash look at me and shake their heads while walking out, closing the door behind them.

•Sophia's P.O.V•

As soon as I heard his beautiful thick voice I buried myself deeper into my pillow, and wrapped my blankets around me. "Babe, I'm really sorry." He whispers as he sits next to me. "I didn't mean to yell, I- I promise. Please look at me," He pleads. "Baby, I need to see your beautiful face, please look at me," I turn my head and he gasps. "B-baby, I didn't mean to make you cry." He whispers wiping my tears away.
"I- I just wanted to tell someone." I whisper. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled and left you like I did. I was just scared." He whispers. "I love you so much, and when I think of what we did that night.. It makes me feel special. You gave yourself to me, your virginity. I feel so happy that you'd trust me to keep something like that of yours." He admits and I blush. "Y-you love me?" I whisper. "Of course I do. I love you with all my heart." He smiles. "I love you too." I say as he kisses me sweetly and softly.

Sorry its so short!

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