Day Out

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*One Year Later*


"Hello baby, you ready for tomorrow?" I cooed to the beautiful baby that's stood in front of me. Yes, stood; she'd learned to walk already. It was game night, we had all of the guy's over and Hayes was just watching the game when hr noticed she was walking towards his, wobbling to keep her balance. It was an amazing thing to see. She'd also said her first word, it wasn't dada or mama it was Nish. It was really Nash. She was doing grabby hands one day wanting to be picked up by him, but he was on his phone and nearly dropped it when she got tired of waiting and just yelled as loud as a baby her age could, "Nish!" Was yelled throughout the house. It was a nightmare when she started to grow teeth, j felt so bad I couldn't take the pain away the her gums were feeling.

But now she was nearly one years old. Tomorrow would be her first birthday. Hayes and I wanted to make this the best first birthday party and planned a whole day of fun. Hayes was upstairs, finishing the last minute present wrapping while I bathed her, dryer her, put a fresh dipar on and an outfit. The outfit was adorable, I though anyway. The shirt had Minnie mouse on it, little black shorts that came to her knees, and some pink flip flops. Leah only had a little bit of hair so I only put her brown hair in a tiny ponytail, so it was sticking up at the top. She looked really adorable. I was wearing some jean shorts and my shirt that I had made; everyone in the family almost had one. It was pink and others were gray, but it had Leah's full name, date she was born, what time, stuff like that. And on the front it had in print, Leah's Mommy. Hayes had the same, bit grey with, Leah's Daddy, written on the front.
I also had on some mascara and a light shade of concealer, my brown hair down, in its natural wavy way. (Lol.) I slipped my sandals on and placed my sunglasses on the top of my head. "Ready to go babe? Woah, look at you two beautiful girls." Hayes smiles as he walks down the steps, in his bright blue T-shirt and basketball shorts, sunglasses also. "Dada." Leah rambles on, walking away, mumbling. "You look so pretty today bables." Hayes smiles, picking her up and placing her on his shoulders. "O!" Leah shouts, pointing to the door. "Go?" I smile and she nods frantically and points again. "O!" Hayes and I laugh before leaving the house.

As we walk down the sidewalk Hayes grabs my hand, and I look up st him. "Sorry, just wanted to hold my beautiful girls hand." He shrugs, smiling. I blush and toll my eyes playfully. "Pway!" Leah mumbles pointing to the play set by the pond. "Wanna go play?" She nods so fast I swore she could have gotten dizzy. Hayes sets her down and she goes and plays as we sit on a bench. "You look really beautiful today, baby." Hayes kisses my lips. "Awe thanks, you look rather handsome." I smile.

After many hours and many many selfie later we decided to go home. It was around 7pm already and since we'd already had supper I changed Leah's dipar and pulled on he princess nightgown on her, gave her a warm bottle and she fell asleep almost instantly.

Sorry its short, idk what else I wanted to happen!

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