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I grab my car keys and leave the house, pulling into Sophia's house. Getting out of the car I walk up to the doorstep, knocking on the door. "Mommy, daddy's here!" A tiny voice yells loudly and I smile to myself. "Well, open the door." Sophia says and the door comes flying open. "Daddy!" She squeals, jumping up to hug me. I laugh softly and pick her up, kissing her forehead as she lies her head on my shoulder. "I missed you daddy." She says quietly. "I missed you too babygirl." I smile softly. She wiggle out of my grip and goes over to Sophia, who is just now zipping Leah's bag. "So uh, how've you been?" I ask awkwardly. "I've been better." She laughs softly, "how about you?" She asks, pulling her shirt down, since her baby bump was showing. I swallow the lump in my throat and sigh. I wanted so badly to touch her stomach, see how my baby is doing. I wish Sophia and I were still together, I miss her, our daughter, just everything. And I desperately missed kissing Soph's lips. "I'm uh, I'm doing okay." I speak. "Can I... Can I touch, your.. Stomach?" I ask and she looks at me, nodding slowly. "Go ahead." She says, lifting her shirt as I step closer, placing both of my hands on top of the growing bump. "Oh, I've got this for you to keep." She says reaching around then handing me a baby blue envelope. I still have one hand resting on the bump as I open it, revealing a baby ultrasound. I smile softly, looking at the picture. "I'm gonna have a baby brother!" Leah squeals happily and I laugh. "I'm ready daddy." Leah says and I nod, taking my hands away, looking at Soph. "Could I.. Uh- kiss it?" I stutter and she nods. "He's your baby too Hayes." I only nod and press three little kisses to the skin of her growing stomach.

I'm just sitting on my bed watching TV as I browse on my pink iPhone 6s, as my phone starts to ring. The name Babe❤ pops up on my screen. Damn, I really need to change that name. "Hello?" I answer as I press my phone against my ear. "Hi mommy." Leah's tired voice speaks. "Oh, hi princess." I say. "Daddy said I should call you to say goodnight." She yawns softly. "Well goodnight, mommy will talk to you tomorrow, sweet dreams babygirl." I say, "I love you princess, mwah," I make a kissing sound through the phone. "Love you too mommy, mwahh." She giggles tiredly as the line goes dead.

I rub my swollen feet against my soft comforter. I'd just gotten out of the shows and just dressed in dome panties and a big tshirt, socks on with my hair down as my phone dings from my side table, signaling I'd gotten a text message.

Babe(Hayes)- Hey..

Princess(Sophia)- Hi Hayes.

Babe❤- I miss you. I miss your hugs, kisses, your cuddles, our late night talks, your giggle, I miss everything about you.

Princess❤- Please Hayes, not now. You can't expect me to forgive you after you left. I'm pregnant for heavens sakes. And you think that your too stressed for this? I'm the one who has to take care of one child, and on top of that another one on his way. I can't even pick Leah up anymore and it makes me so mad that I'm the only one that tells her I love her everyday, and kisses her goodnight. You don't even call her that often Hayes. She feels as if you don't love her. I want to be with you Hayes, but I want to know that you'll be here for all three of us, I'm tired of feeling alone Hayes.

Babe❤- I know I left you guys and I'm really sorry, I know I've put you through alot and I'm sorry for that. I know I haven't been a good father lately but I'm trying, I want to be there, to kiss Leah goodnight, and be there for you through the tough times. I do love Leah, more than you'd ever know, she's my daughter. I want to be with you also. You shouldn't feel alone because I'll always be here for you, I promise you that. I'll always be here for all three of you, I care about you guys a lot. I love you.

I sigh softly, sitting up, as I shakily dial his number, pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hello? Soph?" His voice asks, surprised. "Yeah," I say, "it's me." I sigh. "Soph, I'm sorry for all the things I've done, I never meant to hurt you, I swear it, I would never try and hurt you on purpose, I love you." He says and I feel tears running down my cheeks. Danm hormones. I let out a tiny sniffle and sigh softly. "No no, don't cry." He pleads. "I'm sorry, its just these stupid hormones." I laugh quietly. He laughs, oh god, his gorgeous laugh. "Can I come over?" He asks, "to talk about things?" I nod my head, but then realize that he can't see me. "Yeah, please do." I say quietly. "What about Leah?" I ask. "She's still awake, cuddling with Nash in his room, she can't sleep, but I'll ask if he can keep her for a while." He says. "Okay." I speak, wiping my eyes. "I'm gonna go, see you in a minute." He says, "I love you." He mentions and I bkw my head down, blush taking over my tear stained cheeks. "I love you too." I whisper and end the call.

A loud knock causes me yo jump lightly but get up, slipping on a pair of shorts before opening the front door, walking down the stairs slowly. "Hey." Hayes smiles warmly and I look up at him. My emotions are so terrible that I start crying. "Hey, its alright." He speaks softly as he pulls me into his strong arms. "This is the worst pregnancy ever." I say against his chest, laughing lightly. He rubs his hands up and down my back as he stiffens a laugh. "I was thinking.. You know, if I could take you out tomorrow.. Somewhere nice. We could catch up." He says, pushing my hair out of my face. "I'm not going to rush you into anything, so we could take it slow and see where this goes.." He says and I nod. "I'd like that." I smile, "but you know what I really need?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow. "What's that?" He asks, looking down at me. "I really would enjoy a nice cuddle with you." I say and he laughs. "Of course, I missed your cuddles baby- oh I'm sorry.." He blushes. "Its alright, I like when you call me that." I blush and he smiles, kissing my forehead as we go and cuddle in my bed.

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