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"listen to the breeze, whisper to me, please

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"listen to the breeze, whisper to me, please."


They both heard the secret knock, signaling that he was home. She teleported to the door, unlocked the locks, and teleported back into their room. They heard his shoes clomp across the floor, most likely walking over to the dining table that was just big enough for three people.

"Hey, what'd we talk about?" he called out to the sisters.

"No signal," one of them responded.

"No signal. It's 8-1-5. You're late," the other said.

"Yeah, I lost track of time. I'll signal next time, all right? Uh, and it's 8:15. It's not 8-1-5."

Both of them sat down at the table in front of their food.

"Eight-fifteen," Eleven repeated.

"I told you," Nine said to her.

"Now, what did we talk about?" Hopper asked the girls. "Dinner first, then dessert. Always. That's a rule. Yeah?"

The girls nodded, replying with "Yes."

They unwrapped their dinner, eating it together.

"You see Lucas today?" Hopper asked Nine as she shook her head.

"I want to, after dinner."

"You see Mike?" he asked Eleven as she nodded. "How's he doing?"

"Good," she responded, taking a bite out of her meal.

They finished their dinner, letting Hopper clean it up.

Nine had found a radio, switching it to static and going into her and Eleven's room. She took a blindfold, tied it around her head, and went to see Lucas.

She opened her eyes, looking at her surroundings. She saw a bed, a dresser, and little things. She assumed it was Lucas' bedroom.

She heard static coming from the closet, so she walked over and opened it, revealing Lucas Sinclair, sitting on the floor, trying to talk to Nine. She kneeled down to his level, looking at him, wanting more than anything to say she was there and alive.

"Nine? It's... It's me. Lucas. It's been 352 days since everything happened. I miss you. We all do. You're the first person that I liked more than a friend... I still have some hope that you're there, somewhere. If you are, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone. God, I sound so pathetic. I'm begging someone who could possibly be dead."

Nine reached her hand out, wanting to hold Lucas' hand. She managed to touch it and it was surprising to Nine that her powers allowed it to happen. Lucas looked up, directly at her, without knowing she was there.

In his closet, he had the door closed, the only source of light being the small lightbulb in his closet. He had been talking on a different channel, not wanting his best friends to hear what he had said.

He had felt a tingly feeling on his hand, looking up at nothing but air. He let his mind instantly go to something he shouldn't have.

He thought that it was Nine.


He heard static coming from his walkie-talkie, waiting for any sign that she was there. But there wasn't one. He put it down, leaning back on his closet wall, feeling pathetic. Feeling a little lonely.


He quickly picked it back up, talking fast. He knew what he heard. He knew Nine was there.

"Yes, hello, Nine? Nine are you there? It's Lucas. Are you there?"

"Yes, I'm here."

But it wasn't who he thought it was.

"Lucas, what she we do about Max tomorrow? Should we invite her to Halloween so I could make my move on her before you do?" Dustin's voice was heard.

"I don't know," he responded, his voice now bland.

Max? Nine didn't know a Max. This was someone new. Was it someone Lucas had a crush on?

Thoughts started flooding her head of Max and Lucas and if something was going on between them. She started loosing connection, everything fading away into nothing. It ended up going into a dark void, making her start to panic. She closed her eyes, them moving back and forth underneath her eyelids.

She took the blindfold off, setting it into her lap. She felt some stray tears leave her eyes, also feeling the semi-thick string of blood fall down from her nose.

She wiped her nose with a tissues, stopping the blood. She then wiped the stray tears from her cheeks with her hand, taking a deep breath.

There was a knock on the bedroom door, Nine telling them to come in. Eleven walked in, looking at her sister.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she lied. "I just miss Lucas."


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