43. The Maybe Not Jokes

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Seren P.O.V.

After Ayden's case, my days take a sudden boring turn. Most days Lore is in his office or doing Lord-like work outside the manor. I'm not entirely sure what the aristocracy do. Even if one tried to explain their work, I likely wouldn't get, and I don't really want to. Seems to involve a lot of paperwork and pleasantries, neither of which are of interest.

I spend most of my days in search of the Red Moon group or sneaking around the manor that proves everyday that it hides no secrets. I've gotten more done on my fake investigation than the real one. The Red Moon group's symbol resides all over the city; drawn on sides of buildings, lamp posts, and backdoors. I've yet to determine if they're drawn by hooligans or a legitimate sign that the terrorist group is in town. There are marks like this all over the capital too so it isn't that unusual, but the signs here are new. I even found one where the paint was still wet. Either it's proof the Red Moon has actually taken up shop somewhere in Nosa or there are some kids wanting to rebel while not understanding what that means.

Through all that though, the vacation day I promised to give myself finally arrives. I wake up early to prepare for my date with the cute church boy, Jakoby. Days off always make me feel guilty, but I know I need them. Spending time with someone outside the manor will do me good. After getting ready, I knock on Lore's office door. I always inform him when I'm going out, in case he ever needs me to come back at a certain time for who knows what.

"Come in," he calls. "Seren, perfect timing."

"Did a case pop up?" I ask, shutting the door behind me.

"Nothing the precinct can't handle on their own. However, I've got a job to do that'll involve some traveling," he replies, rummaging through a few papers. He stacks them up neatly. "One of my nellore factories in Vexsis has been having some trouble. I'll be leaving in a few days and will likely be there for about a week or two, depending on how long my work takes."

Nellore factory?! How in the Mothers name did he get his hands on a nellore site? The king himself doesn't even have one. The vampires covet them as they're a product only available in Vexsis. They won't even share how they use it to power their Warlords and airships. That's why you can always tell the difference between an airship coming from Vexsis vs one leaving from Earth. Theirs are state of the art, seemingly a thousand years ahead of us while ours tend to smell like smoke and are seconds away from losing an engine.

Here lies another opportunity though; one to see Lore among his own kind in his own world. I've never been to Vexsis, only gazed upon the Gateway hovering outside the capital like a looming threat. Only high members of the church are granted access and that happens rarely and must have good reasons. Olere went once. He claimed vampire guards surrounded him day and night. I've always had mixed feelings towards the idea of going, but now I know that I have to, if only to see Lore in another new environment.

"Could I come along?" I ask, not surprised to find Lore blink rapidly in obvious surprise. "The Red Moon group is made up primarily of vampires and dhampir. While I doubt I'll get any information there, that doesn't mean there isn't a slim possibility."

Lore taps a finger against his desk, hesitant to ask, "Are you certain you want to go? You'll be watched every moment, if I'm even able to get permission."

"I'd like to go, if you'd be so kind as to get that permission."

He doesn't look completely convinced, but inevitably gives in. "Alright. I'll make a few calls and see what I can do. Was there something you wanted to say?"

"Right, I'll be heading into town again today. If you need me, you'll have to send Draven to come find me."

"Why?" Lore eyes me suspiciously, leaning over his desk in a skeptical manner. "You aren't going to visit the precinct?"

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