61. Asking the Right Questions

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"There is no need for such formalities, Seren," Loraleigh says. Her glistening ebony hair rests over her thin shoulder to nearly touch her knees. Approaching me, she rests her hand on my shoulder and presses her forehead against mine. "Welcome home, Paladin."

"It's good to be back," I say, even if the words taste sour.

"You sure learned of Seren's arrival quickly," Olere says, holding out his hand to gesture at the table. Loraleigh takes a seat while Olere gets her a glass of water.

"You know word travels fast here. I heard a few trainees discussing seeing your return." Loraleigh nods at me. "If you have the time, do pay them a visit. They sounded very eager to see you."

"Our airship to Vexsis doesn't leave until the morning after next so I have more than enough time," I explain. I'm surprised to hear any of the trainees had missed me. While training isn't my primary job, I did visit the training grounds to assist from time to time. I always thought the kids found me a bit boring. It's a little nice to hear that they want to see me, if it's true.

Olere returns with Loraleigh's glass.

"Ah yes, Olere has been updating me. This is an unexpected turn of events. I trust that you are aware of how dangerous this is, but it's a great opportunity." She sips from her glass, then rests it quietly on the table. "Lore is well known in Vexsis. There's a possibility you may meet members of the monarchy."

My wide-eyed expression makes Loraleigh giggle.

"Don't worry too much. I truly doubt they would cause harm to you themselves. Valyork is paranoid, but not a complete fool, although I must tell you to keep an eye out for his eldest daughter, Roemithia. Out of any of them, she's the most likely to cause a scene." She pats my hand. "Just keep your eyes open."

"I will."

"Now, I'm sure you both know why I'm here," she continues, glancing between us. "As I mentioned, Olere has been keeping me updated. Now, I will update you; the other paladins have had no such luck in determining if their targets are the serial killer either."

"Or if there even is one," Olere adds.

"Indeed. We may have been paranoid, but I would like to continue the investigation a while longer, especially yours."

I raise a brow at that. "Mine, Prophet?"

She nods. Thin eyes narrow even further until they are mere slits that make her normally warm brown eyes appear bleak and black. "In one of your recent letters, you mentioned that Lore spoke briefly about his biological parents. Not his adoptive ones; the Seymour family. Could you elaborate further on that?"

My nails almost rip through my robes to pierce my thighs. I try to ease the tension by unclenching my hands. Why did I send that damn letter?!

"I fear there isn't much more to tell. In order to gain some of Lord Seymour's trust, I thought that I had to reveal something personal. I spoke of what happened to my family in hopes that he would return the gesture. All I learned was what we already knew about his biological parents," I answer, hoping they won't ask for more or think too much of it.

But then Olere speaks, "I do find it suspicious that Lord Seymour only brought up his biological mother and father. There is a chance that Seren merely hadn't earned enough of his trust yet to learn more about the Seymour family. However, it couldn't hurt to continue looking into their deaths."

"Weren't they all proven to be accidents?" I interject without even realizing it.

"Not all of them. The eldest boy, Belroe, was never found. And their daughter, Leymin, was a party girl, but she was known to be very careful. We can chalk her overdose up to an accident, but then there were the deaths of both parents not long after. It has always been suspicious," Loraleigh says, thankfully not looking more into my interjection. She may learn that I'm not as suspicious of Lore as they are. Nowhere near, in fact.

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