forty -4

782 35 3


+2 weeks

"I love you." I smiled kissing kjs cheek. He continued to stare at the tv like he didn't hear me.

I chuckled standing up. Ivr moved out. I really can't stand keyon right now and it's wasnt making it any better living with him.

The kid wasn't even his but I don't even think he wants to be with me anymore. Hes staying with Jazlyn cuz if you do the math , she didn't cheat on him.

"Ok bye." I stood up as keyon watched. I walked to the door. I was going to party again. This will be my last time partying cuz I'm slowly slipping back into my old ways and I can't have that.


Joy stared down at the oxy pill in her hand. She remembered where it all started just looking at this pill.

14 yrs old

The 14 year old sat in the bath water in no pain anymore. She was getting tired so she decided it was time to get out.

"MAMAAA." she yelled. Soon her mom  walked into the bathroom with her small belly poking out.

"Your done?" She asked her daughter. Khloe nodded as her mom squatted down on to her knees.

Khloe felt bad about making her mom do all this due to her being pregnant but Khloe couldn't help the fact that she was hurt.

But nobody told her to get pregnant. Khloe didn't understand why she was pregnant again and she had 5 year old twins running around plus AJ. She wanted her mom to stop being fast.

"How does it feel?" Her mom asked referring to her leg. She had broken it playing ball and she was rushed to the hospital immediately. She has surgery that day and now she was recovering.

She had just taken a pain killer about 10 minutes before getting in the tub so she wasn't in pain.

"Fine. I just took some of the oxy...?" Her voice trailed off as her mom began to help her out of the tub.

"Oxycodone." Her mom helped her pronounce the word. "I think you've took enough today and since you say it's not hurting, don't take another one." Her mom explained as her daughter stood up.

She wrapped the towel around joys body and then helped her to her room.

After helping joy get dressed and getting her in bed her father walked in.

He walked to the side of his daughters bed and kissed her forehead before sitting down on her bed.

"Love you." Her mom spoke. "Love you too." Joy replied as kalanie walked out of the room.

"You feel aight?" He asked. "Mhm." She nodded. The two began to have a full on conversation.

"Daddy can I go to the Chris brown meet and greet? It's here." She told him.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "How much?" He asked. "1500." She replied.

"Hell naw. Fuck Chris brown." He responded immediately. It wasn't that he didn't have it , he just wouldn't pay over a thousand dollars to shake Chris brown's hand and maybe get a picture.

She smacked her lips. "Daddyy.." she stretched. "Go to bed." He spoke. She didn't have school right now due to her leg so it didn't really matter.

"Love you." He stood up and kissed her cheek. She smiled. "Love you too." She replied as he stood up. She flipped on to her side and closed her eyes as her dad walked out.

After a while she couldn't sleep. She was trying to convince herself not to do it but she had to get some sleep. She slowly sat up and grabbed the crutches.

She made her way to the kitchen cabinet where the oxy was. She was very aware that she was only sussposed to take them when she was in pain.

Although she wasn't in pain , she liked how they made her feel and how easily they'd allow her to fall asleep.

After taking one pill out quietly she realized it was the last one although she wasn't sussposed to run out for another week.

Her heart skipped a bat when she realized she needed the whole pill right now.

Without thinking of the consequences she made her way back to her room and in bed when she took the pill.

She pulled the covers over her body and soon the euphoric effects of the pain killer kicked in allowing her to fall asleep.

This has become a regular thing and the only people who knew about it was Madison and Christian.

They said she was addicted and it would turn her to an addict but she figured that was impossible for a 14 year old girl to be an addict.

Especially not this 14 year old girl.

19 years old

Joy was so high right now she could barely remember her ways. She has Gone over a year sober up until today.

She had fought it for so long but she was going through so much right now and didn't know how to handle her emotions.

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