Chapter 1

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Amara was currently boarding the plane to New York in London. In three days was New York fashion week although she was only staying in New York for a week she was excited to go home.



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Liked by ddosamaa, KendallJenner and 1,957,683 others

Amara.Kaylie London goodbye New York see you soon

Photo creds📸: @Jordanna -Jones


User I can't wait to see her outfits for fashion week
User Same she always has the best outfits
User Fr

KendallJenner can't wait to see you again
Amara.Kaylie same

Jordanna-Jones I make the best camerawoman
Amara.Kaylie umm agree to disagree
Jordanna-Jones why you always lying for its ok to tell the truth
Amara.Kaylie whatever🙄

Zion_Scott bro you ain't even staying that long
Amara.Kaylie bro I am staying a week then going London then Milan and Paris then coming back for two months
Zion_Scott To long bro

766 other comments


Mr DD 🎤🤬- so when we're you going tell me you coming back to NY

Miss Amara📸🎤- I ain't fully back i am staying a week for fashion week  then going back London then Milan and Paris then I am back for two months plus I am staying in a hotel near where New York fashion week is held

Mr DD 🎤🤬 - well how bout me and the group come up to there and stay in the hotel with you

Miss Amara📸🎤- I mean as long as you don't cause trouble then I guess

Mr DD 🎤🤬- whattt I would never

Miss Amara 📸🎤- sure whatever 🙄 ask them see what they say if they say yes I will book and pay for your rooms

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