Chapter 79

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The next morning shun and Amara were laying together in her bed cause he had woken up early and went into her room to see if she was awake and luckily for him she was. Shun was sitting up leaning on the headboard of the bed and Amara was on top of him.

"What would you do if I got a bbl?" Amara asked while tracing his tattoos

"I'd be upset cause when I do this" Shun said and smacked her ass "it won't jiggle" Shun said

"You just love smacking my ass don't you" Amara said

"Yup" Shun said smacking it again and then started jiggling it himself

"For why you gon leave a mark" Amara said

"I'll happily leave marks all over your body" shun said as he started kissing on Amara's neck

"Mmm" Amara hummed and then shun stopped "why'd you stop" Amara said

"Cause I ain't starting something I know you don't wanna finish" Shun told her

"Who said I wouldn't want to finish" Amara asked pecking shun's lips continuously

"Me cause I know you very well" Shun said inbetween the kisses and amara got up of off him "what are you doing" Shun asked

"I mean if you say we should stop then oh well" Amara said walking towards the bathroom and she took off her top and shorts and went in

"Nah you can't do that come here" Shun said to her

"Nah I'm taking a shower" Amara said turning the shower on

"Then look who is joining your shower" Shun said getting up and walking to the bathroom

"Mmmm no thank you" Amara said

"It wasn't a question" Shun said picking her up and she wrapped her arms and legs around him

Shun kissed her and she kissed back and it turned into an aggressive and deep kiss. Shun started kissing down her neck and Amara tilted her head back and he got down to her boobs and started sucking on them and Amara silently moaned.

This carried on into the shower and they ended having some fun in there but once they were done they actually washed there body properly and then started getting ready to go out just then two.

"Should I dress up yes or no" Amara asked

"Yep but I'm picking" Shun said walking to her suitcase

"Ok but you've gotta match with me" Amara said

"Why?" Shun asked

"Cause I said so" Amara said and Shun shook his head and chuckled before going to her Suitcase and looking at the outfit options

"Prada or Vivienne Westwood" Shun asked while Amara was doing her hair

"Vivienne Westwood " Amara answered forgetting he was picking her outfit

"Here is you outfit" Shun sad handing it to her

"Oh wait I love it" Amara said putting her curling iron down

"Cause you do I'm practically a fashion designer" Shun said

"Uh uh stop right there" Amara quickly replied picking up the iron again

"Shouldn't you do the ponytail first" Shun asked

"Oh my god your right" Amara said before groaning "I'm just gonna put it in a ponytail now" Amara said grabbing all the things she needed

"Imma get ready in a little bit cause you gon take long anyway" Shun said

"Ok can you go get me apple juice from the fridge please" Amara asked

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