Chapter 34

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The next few days Amara was back to being herself with the help of her family and friends. Currently she was in the studio with dd, Caden, edot and dudeylo, she was talking to edot whilst everyone else was doing their own thing.

"Nah that song is actually good you should record it" Edot said to her

"Ion know I mean it would be very random to drop now won't it" Amara said

"Yea but that's the good thing you fans won't expect it" Edot told her

"Let me think about it" Amara said

"There is no think about it. These lyrics mean something to you there's a story behind it right" he asked and she nodded "so bring the story to life show people what this means to you" He told her

Amara though and it for a second before saying "You know what let's record it".

"You serious" edot said

"Yea" Amara said and the two instantly got to business

The other three noticed this and were listening to them work.

Amara and edot were Truman find a beat that worked with it for the past 20 minutes and they finally found one that worked and Amara hopped in the booth and was doing what she was recording the song.

They had finished the song 3 hours later and ddot had also came to the studio and they were now listening to the song and working on it and making it sound better that it already did.

"Nah Amara in some real shit you should make more music like this" dd said to her and everyone else agreed

"Whatchu mean" She asked

"Like songs that have deep meanings behind it that link to you. Like all your other songs are good but this is my favourite out of all of them" dd said

"I don't know if I should take offence or thank you" Amara said

"It's a good thing" Dd said

"Well thank you" Amara said with a smile

Everyone smiled at her and then Amara was working on the song when she got a call from Ayda.

"Hello" Amara answered the phone and put it on speaker phone cause she was rolling a blunt and she was surrounded by nosy people

"Hey I have some news" Ayda said

"What's happening?" Amara asked

"So I don't know if you have read the script or not but um in it you have a love interest right" Ayda said

"Yes I am aware of that what's the problem" Amara said

"Well Um do you know the person who is playing the role of your love interest" Ayda asked

"Ok Ayda I love you but could you please get to the point" Amara said to her

"Jeez that was harsh" Caden said

"My bad anyway the person playing your love interest is Louis Partr-" Ayda started

"Ayda don't you dare finish that sentence" Amara said "are you being serious" Amara asked

"Yes" Ayda replied

"Oh for fuck sakes man, why is it him?" Amara said

"Yo what's your problem with him" ddot asked

"Ok well you know when I was living in London before I came back" Amara started and they all nodded "well me and him had a little thing going on and miss I am obsessed with someone who doesn't like me was jealous and they hooked up and he got her pregnant and she told me that it was some random guy and she got an abortion without telling him and it carried on after and when I found out cause she got pregnant again side note: she lost the baby. Anyway she lied to me and said he raped her which I didn't believe for shit and yeah that sums it up" Amara finished

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