Chapter 22

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They drove to the restaurant and surprisingly there were some paparazzi outside and they were taking pictures of people.

Amara walked out the car first followed by Dd, Caden,ddot, Zion, Armani and Chris. The cameras instantly turned to Amara and there were flashing lights and people trying to get closer to her.

This confused her cause usually people left her alone they didn't take pictures of her only fans would walk up to her she would get a few paparazzi here and there but it was rare.


"Can we get a picture with you" Amara heard a tiny voice say and she turned to see a little 10 and 5 year old

"Oh my god hi you guys are so pretty of course you can get a picture" Amara said going towards them

While taking a picture some of the security were going into them and pushing the five year old. They had got a picture and Amara talked to them and some random person knocked the five year old over and she was crying.

"Hey what is wrong with you!"Amara asked the guy "are you ok" Amara asked pulling the five year old in for a hug and picked her up before walking the two girls in to find there parents

There mum walked over from inside the restaurant and saw her daughter crying while Amara held her walking in. She ran over and grabbed Her daughter.

"Sadie what happened " Her mom asked

"Oh Um we were outside and a paparazzi person knocked over Diana" The 10 year old explained

"Oh Diana are you okay" The mom asked

"I am very sorry for what happened is there anything I can do" Amara said

"Oh no don't worry sweetheart it is not your fault" Their mom said turning to Amara

"Are you sure" Amara asked

"Yea but thank you" the mom replied

"No problem" Amara replied before giving the two girls a hug and then was liking to where everyone was sitting and waiting for her

"Look at you taking care of your fans" Caden says

"Well obviously and she was five" Amra replied

"I don't get treated like that when I get I get hurt" Dd commented

"Yea cause you are not hurt and you never get hurt it's always me" Amara says

"Yea that's cause your stupid and can't be left alone without ending up going back to the hospital" Zion said

"Who asked you to talk" Amara asked

"Shut the fuck up" Zion said. Amara rolled her eyes before looking at the menu.

"Can I take your drinks" A waiter asked who looked around Amara's age

"Can I have a Expresso Martini" Armani said

"Can I have a Negroni" Chris asked

"Um I will have a virgin pina colada" Amara asked

"I will have the same as her" Dd said cause he didn't know what to order

"Berry-Berry cocktail please" Caden asked

"Can I have a Honey lime swirl" Ddot said

The waiter wrote this all down while they were talking before saying "I will be back with your drinks soon" and walking away.

They looked at the menu for what they wanted to eat and then were talking when the waiter came back with all their drinks.

"Uh two virgin pina colada's" the waiter said and Dd and Amara insinuated that it was for them and he put them down in front of them "honey lime swirl" He said and ddot put his hand up slightly and the waiter put it down in front of ddot "berry-berry cocktail" he read out and Caden moved forward to take it and he handed it to her "Negroni" Chris put his hand up and the waiter put it in front of him "and Expresso Martini" He finished and put it infront of Armani. "Are you ready to order or do you need more time" He asked

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