Chapter 32

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When Amara and Dd got to the station they were put in a cell together thankfully. The whole time Amara was pissed. They took everything from them including their jewellery and bag.

"Bro why the fuck or we here we haven't even done shit" Amara asked the guy standing outside the cell "just let us out" Amara added

"Not until you tell us the truth" The cop said

"Nigga we been telling the truth since we were at the mall we ain't steal shit" Dd said

"Well do you have proof" He asked

"Like I said check my bank statements" Amara told him

"That's not good enough we will have to contact your bank which could take days" He told them

"Fuck do you mean" Amara said "this is some bullshit I swear, you guys preach about making New York a safe place but you can't even do that their are people walking around freely killing people and shooting at schools and you know the reason they're not here is cause there white no one's calling the cops on white people." Amara said "if you look at the history of the world you will realise white people always have a free card to do whatever they want just cause they're white you have killed or arrested numerous coloured people people cause you can and nothing will happen to you cause your white" Amara added and she was starting to cry "look around you this whole place is full of white people who judge people by their skin tone. All of you go on and on about helping making feel safe I don't feel safe if anything I'm scared cause I know what your capable of. You can kill however many people you want and nothing will happen cause your white." Amara said starting to get annoyed and had tears running down her face. Dd walked up to her hugging her from behind

"I'm sorry for how you feel but being white isn't all tha-" The cop started

"You think I don't remember you" Amara interrupted him

"What do you mean" he asked

"Officer Jackson badge number 5372" Amara said getting out of DD's hold and walking towards the bars "I remember you" Amara said "it was 10 May 2019 I was with my cousin Diego we were walking to the park and a cop car drove past at the same time he was pretending to shoot me with a toy gun and next thing I know he was on the ground with a whole in his chest crying I didn't know what was happening I was confused and I just started breaking down into tears and I was about to run to him but then someone started yelling at me 'don't move' I looked up saw a gun aimed at me I was scared then I heard that same person yell 'where's the gun' I looked at them confused and I saw your face I was confused I didn't know what you were talking about. Each time I would try and go to him you would threaten to shoot me he was in pain and dying and you let that happen you didn't even call the ambulance or anything you just let it happen, I was twelve after he died I went home and I couldn't talk or anything I was traumatised I blamed myself for everything and that caused me to start cutting myself I didn't leave my room for months I didn't eat to the point I had to go hospital all cause some guy couldn't even do his job right and here you are still are walking free and happy" Amara said to him and he was stunned so was Dd cause he didn't know this

"I-I-I'm S-sorry I was just doing my job" The officer said

"So your doing your job is killing a 11 year old boy" Amara said to him before walking away

Amara went and sat down and Dd was comforting her and she was trying not to break down. A few minutes later someone came and told them that they could go.

They got their things and walked out to Armani, Zion,Stormi and Jay. Armani and Zion rushed to Amara hugging her and checking on her and she didn't say anything just hugged back.

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