Chapter 41

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It was now three days before everything starts for Spiderman and Amara had got into an argument with Armani and Zion that morning.

Amara was smoking in her room and listening to music while she was on FaceTime with Dd, ddot and Caden. She was laughing at something ddot did and Armani came in her room.

"What the fuck do you want" Amara asked

Armani walked straight to her closet and was looking through it and Amara was confused.

"What the fuck do you want why are you in my fucking room for" Amara said getting up putting down her blunt and watching her go through her closet "get the fuck out bro"Amara said grabbing her

"Get off of me" Amarni said grabbing a box and walking out

"Bro what the fuck is wrong with you"Amara said following "why you taking my shit give it back" Amara yelled at her

"I'm tired of you smoking so much in the this house it makes it smell like shit" Armani said as she walked out and through all of Amara's weed and pre rolled blunt onto the ground and some photos she didn't see

"You fucking dumb bro the fuck is wrong with you bro if you don't like it leave cause at the end of the day it's me making the money to pay for these bills so you gotta problem you can for all I care" Amara yelled at her "plus why you taking my shit anyways you don't like it when I do it to you" Amara said getting in her face

"You acting like I asked you to" Armani said and Amara was bout to attack her but was held back by edot

"nah let me go since this bitch wanna run her fucking mouth and touch my shit and act like it belongs to her she must wanna get her ass beat so let me go" Amara said trying to get out of edot's arms.

Not even a few seconds later Amara managed to get out of edot's arms tackled Amara beating the shit outta her and Armani was fighting back but she was still getting her ass beat.

Zion had came out and pulled Armani into the house and took her to her room and Edot took Amara to his room.

Edot was trying to calm Amara down and she did calm down until she remembered something and she wished it wasn't true.

She walked out the house and didn't even say anything just rushed out somehow getting passed edot and went to the box where she kept her stash and she realised what she thought was true.

"Nah I'm actually gonna murder this girl" Amara said walking to Zion's room and kicking the door open which made Zion fall over and she started hitting Armani again.

This time Edot had yelled down the street to get some help to get Amara. The help being Dudeylo, Jstar, Jay and roscoe.

"Yo I need your help like right now" Edot yelled and they all ran over in front of the Scott residence

"What's happening" They asked

"Well let's just say we got a pissed Amara beating the shit outta your girlfriend" Edot said and they all ran in quickly into Zion's room and saw Zion in the corner with a bloody nose and Amara on top of Armani.

The boys quickly went and grabbed Amara which it was very hard and some ended up getting punched but finally dudeylo got her over his shoulder and they carried her back to her room. While Jay and Armani packed some clothes for her to stay at his house.

Zion also decided to stay at his girlfriends house and it was just her and the boys in the house waiting for her to calm down and they could catch there breath.

"Ok can someone please explain what happened" Jstar asked and they all looked at edot

"Ion even know myself all I saw if I saw her jump on Armani" edot said

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