Chapter 2

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As soon as Zion and Armani left the girls at the hotel they went into there separate rooms and fell asleep. The reason they had separate rooms was because last minute Amara got two rooms for two people in both and she was going to stay her own cause there will be times when people come in and out so she decided to get her own room.

She also told them to pack some nice outfits cause she might take them with her for some shows or out to eat. Zion and Armani were going to be there for two of her shows so she was kind of nervous but she didn't let it bother her.

The next morning Amara woke up and got ready doing her morning routine and skincare before doing her makeup and hair. While doing her hair Jordanna walked in asking if she wanted anything from room service, Amara told her to get her to get her avocado toast.

She put on the outfit she picked out which wasn't anything to much cause she wasn't doing a lot but she decided to post cause she was bored.

After they ate they made there way to the car that they had and started making there way to Sugarhill to get dd, ddot and Caden. Jordanna drove cause Amara couldn't drive she never learnt cause she was always busy.

After like 30 minutes they made a stop at Caden's and went up and knocked on the door. When Caden heard the knock she ran to the door and opened it to see the people she wanted to see.

She pulled Jordanna into a hug first cause she was the first one there and then after gave Amara a hug and then pulled them in for a group hug.

"Oh thank god i don't think I could have dealt with those boys any longer" Caden said relieved to see while them pulling out of the hug

"What so we're not your friends" A voice from behind Amara said

Amara turned around to see dd and ddot standing behind her which she smiled instantly and he pulled her in for a hug. They were in the hug for a little bit before he went over and hugged Jordanna then Amara hugged him

"Ok but how come he get a propper hug from Jordanna and I get a side hug what type of treatment is this" ddot says after pulling out of his hug with Amara and keeping his arm around her neck

"Was my hug not good enough" Amara says slightly offended

"No thank you but I just thought it was a bit rude" ddot said

"Well you lot grab your things and then we will go to the hotel and after go shopping" Jordanna tells them ignoring ddot which made him roll his eyes

ddot,dd and Caden got there things and they all got in the car catching up with each other.

"Yo I got a quick question" Amara said

"What" they all said in unison except from Amara

"When we're ya'll going to tell me that Amarni and Jay are dating" Amara asks them

"I thought you already knew" Caden defended herself

"Not my business to tell" ddot says

"Cause I forgot to mention" dd says

"How do you forget to tell me something like that it had been happening for a month and a half" Amara says back to dd

"Are we almost there" dd says changing the subject

Everyone chuckled a bit and after 5 minutes they were there they took there bags upstairs and spent a little bit of time in the hotel exploring and then they finally went out to do shopping.

They were out for like 8 hours going into stores,walking around causing some trouble and taking pictures that Amara posted. After all that they went back to the hotel and dropped there stuff of before going into Amara's room and ordering pizza.

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