Chapter 71

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Amara was currently in New York it had been two days and she was by herself. Shun wanted to go but Amara forced him to stay and he would go the day after and then they would either meet sav and Malina in Paris or they would come to New York  cause she felt as if this was something she had to do by herself.

When Amara got to New York she went straight to the Reyes household cause she knew that there mom wouldn't be there also melz would be at work with her mom and Jstar would be somewhere cause he was barely home.

Amara knocked on the door and Jay answered and she kicked him straight between his legs and he fell onto the floor and let out a little groan and then she punched him in the face and stepped onto his hand and before she could do anything else she felt arms wrap around her arms and pull her away and she saw Jstar with Jay and dd was the one holding her arm and he dragged her down to the basement

"What is your issue" Dd said and he had forgot that he was on stream and Amara didn't notice but you couldn't hear anything

"He hurt my sister" Amara said

"Ok so he hurt her doesn't mean you possibly break his finger" Dd said

"No not feelings I mean yes feelings but he's been putting his hands on her" Amara said

"Wait so how bad is it" Dd said starting to get annoyed

"She's got choke marks on her neck and swollen wrist also a black eye and I think he might be the reason she lost the baby" Amara said

"She lost the baby" Dd said in shock

"Yeah I thought you knew" Amara said

"No I didn't I'm going to kill him" dd said walking up the stairs to the kitchen were Jstar, Jay and melz was

"You have fractured Jay's finger" Melz said lightly pushing Amara

"Minor injuries for what he has done to my sister ok" Amara said

"What are you talking about" Jstar asked

"He's been putting his hands on Armani she has a perfectly good reason" Dd said and Jay looked down at his finger

"You being serious" Melz and Jstar said before looking at Jay

"Imbécil, joder, está mal contigo (Dumbass the fuck is wrong with you)" Melz said slapping him

"My question is when did you start hitting her"Jstar said

"Look I'd love to stay but Um I have a sister to check up on" Amara said getting up and said bye and was gonna walk out but turned back around and slapped Jay and then walked out and she got into the Uber from earlier and the driver drove to Zion's house.

Amara got out and rolled her suitcases into the house and Zion told that the door was unlocked so she walked straight into the house. When she walked in she saw Armani in the living room sitting on the couch.

"Armani" Mars said walking to her and hugging her

"Hi when did you get here" Armani said

"An hour ago" Amara said

"Your hairs longer I'm jealous" Armani said coming out of the hug to look at her

"Girl your rapunzel if she was mixed" Amara said to her and Armani chuckled and hugged her again

"I'm guessing Zion told you" Armani said

"Yeah why didn't you tell me when it started I would of came to New York" Amara said coming out the hug and they sat down on the couch

"Cause you would've hurt Jay and I didn't want him to hurt me more" Armani said "which please don't hurt him" Armani said

"Hypothetically what if I was to tell you that I may have already visited him" Amara said

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