Chapter 52

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Amara got into the Uber me pulled up and she saw Buba' s car and what looked like TaTa was attacking him so she just got into the back of the car while TaTa was attacking Buba.

She got herself comfortable and opened her blue takis and started eating them. After a few minutes TaTa was done yelling and attacking him and you could here Amara's packet and her crunching on her takis and they turned and saw her.

"Nigga when did you get here" TaTa asked

"Like 5 minutes ago"Amara told him

"Is that Amara Kaylieeeeeee" Buba said dragging out the kaylie and going up in her face

"Woah your breath still stank" Amara said covering her nose

"Nigga shut up" Buba said

"Bro why is you so pissed i'm helping you out how you supposed to go home to Rella if your breath smell like that" Amara said

"Stop talking about Rella bro" Buba yelled

"Nigga if I wanted to I could take Rella from you any day if I wanted to" Amara told him "so could he" Amara added pointing to Tata

"Real shit bro any one could take your bitch like call her right now I wanna ask her something" Tata told Buba

"Why Whatchu gon ask her?" Buba asked

"Just give me ya phone bro" TaTa said

"Whatever bro" Buba said calling Rella and give by the phone to TaTa

"Hello" Rella said

"Yo Rella what's up" TaTa said

"Who is this?" Rella asked

"Bro you know who it is" TaTa said

"TaTa" Rella replied

"Yea you know what's up anyway I got a question for you" TaTa said

"Yea what's up what's the question" Rella asked

"You know my girl Amara Kaylie right?" TaTa asked

"Yea what about her" Rella replied

"What do you think of her? Also what do you rate her" TaTa asked

"Nah me personally I think she a ten outta ten and she rich as well like she could take me out any time she wants to" Rella said and Amara grabbed the phone

"So when you gon let me take you out?" Amara asked joking

"When are you free" Rella asked her going along with the joke

"I mean I'm free whenever so at the end of the day it's down to you" Amara said

"Tomorrow night" Rella replied

"Aight bet I'll be seeing you tomorrow night wear something nice" Amara said before Buba snatched the phone out of her hand and TaTa turned to her and dapped her up

"Rella you seriously gon go on a date with her" Buba yelled through the phone

"Nigga stop yelling the phone is infront of you nigga" TaTa said

"Nah I only want you" Rella said

"Aight see you later" Buba said ending the call

"Nah see how easy it is to take ya bitch" Tata said

"Wait I thought you was only into girls" Buba said to Amara

"Shit I swing both ways like if I see a girl walking down the street she looking good" Amara said licking her lips "I might just have to get ha number" Amara added and the boys laughed while dapping her up

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