Chapter 18

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The next day amara did her hair early morning and went out to her trusted hair shop which was an hour away so she new when she would get back Dd would be awake.

She didn't do her makeup and kept on her pyjamas just put leggings on instead of shorts and she curled her hair so it would look decent.

She got an Uber and to the hair shop called 'beauty queens' she went in and got out the packets she needed and also looked for some gel cause she was running out and some other hair products even got some lipgloss and Vaseline.

She went to the counter and had a little conversation with the cashier and went to the cafe near by to get some food for Dd and her to eat.

While in the cafe some of her fans walked up to her and asked for pictures and Amara took pictures with them and they talked for a bit because Amara loved talking to her fans.

Amara got an Uber back to her house and walked in and Dd was still sleeping so she put all her stuff down and went over and put the food in front of his nose so he would smell it and 2 minutes later Dd woke up and bit into his food.

"This taste good what is it" Dd asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes

"Chocolate croissant" Amara said in a French accent

Fun fact Amara learned 5 languages cause she went through a phase were she was really into learning different languages and just found it interesting. She learnt French, Spanish, Korean ,German and Tagalog.

"Speak French" Dd asked

"What do you want me to say" Amara asked eating

"Anything" Dd told

"Ok" Amara said thinking of something "Je t'aime beaucoup et je suis content que tu sois entré dans ma vie car sans toi je ne pense pas que je serais là (I love you very much and I'm glad you came into my life because without you I don't think I'd be here)" Amara said

"What does that mean" Dd asked

"I will tell you one day" Amara said

"Why not now" Dd asked

"Cause I want to wait till a special day" Amara said

"Ok whatever so when you braiding my hair" Dd asked

"Most likely tomorrow cause I am doing my hair and that will take time depending" Amara said getting all her hair things out

"Aight" Dd said and was peacefully eating while Amara decided to start on her hair to get it over with

Dd ate and was on his phone and Amara had her laptop watching Netflix on my block and she was starting from the back so it was easier.

After a little 2 hours DD's mom called him and told him to come home since he hadn't been home in a few days so he left and kissed Amara.

Amara decided to go in live cause she was bored so she started the live.

Live has started...

"Hey" Amara said

User what are you doing

User your doing braids omg

"I am braiding my hair cause I felt like doing it cause I went through a phase of wanting to be a hairdresser and that was my backup if all this modelling and singing thing didn't work out" Amara said

User what are some of the best phases and collections you have or went through

User what were the worst collections and phases and why

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