Chapter 87

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Another week had gone past and people had been reaching out to Amara to tell her sorry for her loss and stuff like that.

She had been in California for the week and she was staying for another week before going back home cause she finished walking for Milan and when she arrived she got a whole lecture about how she shouldn't have kept the whole with caden a secret cause she was about her mental health

For the in California week and she had been viewing houses with her siblings and Travis to find the perfect place to live and she had also gone to visit the karjenners that she was close too or the ones she hadn't seen in ages

She was currently with Stormi, Dream and True and she was playing with them while Kylie and Khloe were sitting in the living room talking and there was cameras in her cause they were filming for there tv show but Amara just blocked them out.

"So obviously your not together with Travis anymore" Khloe said to Kylie

"Yeah" Kylie said

"So what's going on with your relationship with Amara like are you gonna stay close to her or..." Khloe asked

"As of right now I'm not letting anything that's happening between me and Travis get between our relationship cause it's like we all love her she is like family at least to me" Kylie explained and Khloe was nodding

"I feel like she is family as well and I certainly missed talking to her everyday and I'm pretty sure everyone else did" Khloe said agreeing with Kylie

"Yeah so it's like now that she's moving out to  California I'm happy cause she's gonna be living nearby so she can come to more of our family friends and stuff events cause she hasn't been to anything with us since Christmas was it" Kylie said

"Yeah but I feel like obviously her past relationship that would be an issue with her and Alabama" Khloe said

"True but I feel like we should talk to her about that" Kylie said as Amara walked in the room cause she was about to go make dinner for everyone

"Speaking of the special lady" Khloe said as Amara sat down looking

"What happened" Amara asked

"So we were talking about how your moving down here and like the family events how we plan on having you there" Khloe explained and Amara nodded

"And then we were saying if your past relationship would be an issue because of him and Alabama" Kylie finished

"I think like I don't really care just cause I don't really care to argue people unless you say something to me or someone close to me. Like at the end of the day me and him have squashed anything that has happened between us for the sake of Caden so I don't really want to be arguing with his exes so it will be awkward when it comes to things like that but it's like oh well" Amara explained

"Ok" Khloe said

"Speaking of Caden how have you been since her passing" Kylie asked playing with her hair

"I mean I will say as of today I'm okay I've gone through this multiple times and every time it's getting easier cause like I said I've been through this process multiple time but yeah" Amara said

"Ok but if you need anyone to talk to you got us two" Kylie said

"Thank you guys" Amara said

"Of course" Khloe said

They sat and talked for a bit longer before Amara got up and went into the kitchen to cook to which she was making chicken fajita quesadillas.

While she was cutting up the food Stormi, True and Dream came in and sat down on the counter chairs and they were having a full conversation with Amara

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