Chapter 66

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⚠️This chapter can be a bit sensitive to some people if you are going through something like this now please get help and I hope you get better ⚠️

Over the next few days Amara had slowly stopped talking to people and wouldn't reply to people. She had stop eating and taking her med and she had only been smoking nearly all day.

She was in bed and she had a tv show playing while she layed the opposite way and she was curled up in a ball just looking of into the distance.

She had been laying like this for the past few days and she would only get up if her scar was bleeding, roll a blunt or to put her meds or food that Zion would give her down the toilet.

Zion would try and get her out of bed but it was no use and he had no idea that she wasn't eating either cause he would always come back  and the plate was empty and when he went to check her pills one will be gone the next day.

All of Amara's friends would call or text her but they would get no reply or she would just leave them in read.

Armani hadn't been told yet and Chris had some awareness and would come see her every day and stay for an hour trying to talk to her but she would just reply with yes or no ot she would hum.

Dd did come cause Zion thought it would help but it didn't work it would just make everything worse and she wouldn't even make sound.

Amara needed to use the bathroom and she decided to go because this time she really needed it cause she hadn't gone since she first got in bed.

She had gotten up and her stomach hurt a lot. She was gonna go to the one that everyone else used cause her one smelt terrible from all the food and it made Amara nauseous.

Amara got up and she let out a yelp. She grabbed her stomach and she was whimpering while standing up.

She managed to get to her door and opened it but she couldn't move anymore cause her stomach and she collapsed onto the floor and curled into a ball and let out little cries while holding her stomach.

Zion was in his room and he heard her but wasn't sure if he was correct so he got up and walked out and walked towards her room and saw her on the floor in a ball and he was confused.

He went and got on the floor and put her head on his lap and Called Amara cause he wasn't sure what was happening.

"Zion what's up" Armani answered

Armani wouldn't usually answer since what was happening between her and her siblings but since the last time she saw Amara she felt of as if something bad was gonna happen.

she hadn't told anyone and she started to get more suspicious when Chris would leave and go to Amara's apartment daily and have a sad look on his face when he came back.

"Uh it's Amara somethings wrong with her" Zion said while stroking Amara's hair and she let out quiet cries

"What do you mean" Armani asked hearing her cries and how shaky Zion's voice was

"I don't know I just found her like this hurry up come over please I need help I don't know what I'm doing" Zion said to Armani as tears came in his eyes

"I'm on my way but call 911 I think she might need to go hospital" Armani said grabbing her keys and going out to her car

"Ok hurry up please I'm scared" Zion said before ending the call

Zion called 911 and they said that they were in the way and Armani came 5 minutes later and she ran up to Amara's apartment cause Zion texted her the number and floor.

She walked in and went to the two on the floor and the two tried to get Amara up but once they finally did Amara passed out.

5 minutes after the ambulance came and Amara was still on the floor and she wasn't waking up and Armani and Zion were panicking and crying.

They had checked her pulse and she was still breathing and they put the breathing thing on her face and got her up onto the stretcher and wheeled her out while Zion and Armani followed and they drove In Armani's car following.

Now in the waiting room was dd, ddot, Caden, Armani, Edot, Zion, Jay, Chris, Dudeylo, Caden's mom, Jstar, Melz and DD's mom.

They were all awake and waiting for the doctors to come and tell them anything that they needed to know.

"Family to Amara Scott" Jenny said (the usual doctor of you forgot)

"Hello Um what's happening with my sister" Zion said getting up quickly

"Well she's fine she's sleeping right now but we have a few issues" Jenny said and they all looked at her "Amara seems to have not eaten in a few days and she has lost an insane amount of weight and she hasn't been taking her pills also she has a bladder issue due to not going to the bathroom" Jenny told them and Zion had guilt all over his face

Armani hugged him knowing that he was blaming himself the entire time and it wasn't his fault.

"Can we uh can we go see her" Armani asked

"Uh yea" Jenny said

They all walked to go see Amara and when they went in they saw her connected to a bunch of tubes and a oxygen mask on her face. When they saw the sight they started crying and walked over.

Amara hadn't woke up and it was late and visiting hours were over but Armani, Zion and Chris were staying the night and they got given beds to sleep on.

It was now the middle of the night and Amara slowly to the mask of and she looked around her and tears ran down her face.

Amara had done this before and she had almost died but luckily was stopped and she ended up surviving and she knew that she was doing it again and it made her feel like shit for doing that to her family but she couldn't help it.

Amara layed there and slowly went back to sleep and she couldn't help but just wanna die even more than she did before. Amara fell back asleep and she curled up in a ball again.

What do you think of this chapter v

Any suggestions let me know

Hope you have a good day or night

X good bye or night X

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