Chapter 48

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Amara went out and Dd followed her out of the house while she stood there waiting for her Uber.

"Amara come on please" Dd said grabbing her hand and spinning her around

"No no this thing between me and you is done for good no more" Amara said pulling her arm back

"Come on Am-" Dd said

"No you lied to me how am I supposed to trust you" Amara said

"I'm sorry" Dd said

"No I don't want your sorry I have known you for years all of you and you all lied to me" amara yelled

"I know and I am sorry" Dd apologised

Amara Uber pulled up and Amara got in not saying anything to Dd and the Uber driver drove of.

The Uber pulled up to Shangel's house 25 minutes later and she went up to his room and walked in and saw Mya Shangel and bmo sitting infront of his stream.

"Oh look who's back" Shangel yelled and Mya hopped of off Shangel's lap and wrapped his arms around her and Amara hugged her back

"How you feeling" Mya asked

"Like shit" Amara replied

"Why? What happened?" Bmo asked pulling her to his lap and she dapped up Shangel

"Tell you later" Amara said before hugging him and he hugged her back

"Oh my god your hair is so long now" Mya said

"It ain't even that long but ok" Amara said

"For real like I have more than her" Bmo said

"See there was no need for that at all like I just came back and your already judging like I think I should go" Amara said fake crying

"See this bitch right here is my sister so don't do or say anything about her cause I will put my hands on you" Shangel said to the stream "same with these people right here you got my evil twin and my future wife don't be talking shit" Shangel added

"Aw thank you but that was so random" Amara said "you not bout to kill yourself right" Amara asked

The three laughed and Amara generally seemed concerned for them and looked at them with confusion.

"You guys ok like have you been taking drugs like what the fuck" Amara said nervously laughing and scratching the back of her head

"Bro I'm not gonna kill myself" Shangel said

"Ok well I ain't know that like you giving this sad speech" Amara said

They went on with the stream for about an hour and then Shangel ended it and they decided to go out to eat somewhere.

"Where we going to eat" Jordan asked

"Wendy's" Mya and Amara said in unison

Shangel drove to Wendy's and the whole time Amara was looking at apartments with Mya that she could buys.

Amara had been wanting to move out for a long time but she was to young so she was gonna stay till she was 18 and then move out but now that whole thing happened she thought might as well.

Amara already had one apartment in mind cause she had gone and seen it when Ayda was planning on moving to New York.

"I think you should get that one cause your still gonna be near family and me of course" Mya said

"Ok I just got to meet with the realtor and sort stuff out" Amara said

"Yea we will deal with that tomorrow" Mya said "anyways I'm doing a video for my channel" Mya said

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